Newbie got screwed

Hi guys, my first time posting here. Just want to say thank God for you guys and what seems to be and endless amount of info. I wish I found you guys first in research. I’ve been learning for a couple of months now and what I found out was I was following the wrong crowd. I got scammed early on and am still trying to get my money back. I want to post the info on here (the guys name, company name) and the software I bought. I can’t believe these guys are still out there and I want to make sure noone else gets scammed. I will wait for a reply to make sure this is the appropriate place to post this info. Thanks

What is the name of company ?

Sharptrade LLC. The face of the company is Jason Fielder. The software package is called Triad 2.0. Guarantees your money back within 45 days. After 30 days of still not receiving the product ( and educating myself on babypips) I requested a refund. After voicemails and emails I have not had anyone contact me. My bank / CC is handling it as fraud.

You should complaint to about this, those are experts in getting money back from scammers. Good Luck

Good, that’s the way to go about it.
Reporting the issue to ForexPeaceArmy, too, might show some result, like sid1980 said.

Good luck, I hope you’ll get your money back.

And now that you’ve found BabyPips, you’re in good hands.


There there buddy. I hope you get your money back.

But more important is to keep your morale up, and promise to yourself that you won’t get fooled never again.

If you don’t mind sharing, how much did you pay them?

Good luck.

I hope you get your money back…and yes, report them in right away…

The “complete package” is $2000 or three payments of $799. I made a payment of $799 with the thought that I would give it a test spin for a month and if I was satisfied I would keep it and make the next two payments. In the sales pitch they tell you there is a very small # of license available and theyhave a clock running the whole time with the countdown until they close the offer. I fell for it hook line and sinker.

They offer a full refund with no questions asked if returned in the first 45 days.

Ouch for the 800 bucks and ouch for falling for the old ‘limited offer, only available until midnight’ pitch. :slight_smile:
Oh well, the good thing is that this surely won’t happen to you again, hehe.
And with a bit of luck you’ll recover your money … add another 200 bucks and you’ll have a nice round sum for your trading account: a thousand bucks is a good amount to start with.


This is a different approach than I am familiar with. I thought these hucksters would at least give you software that would run and trade in the markets and then dispute your trading pattern once the robot started losing money. Excuses like wrong kind of broker, works in real money accounts not demo etc.

I think you should have put Jason Fielder’s name in the title. That way it is easier for someone else to find the thread and add their comments. Just a heads up - there is another similar person to Jason named Rob Booker who is the subject of several threads on BP.

I have heard that complaints to ForexPeaceArmy are deleted if you complained about one of their affiliates / advertisers. I’m not sure what Jason’s status is vis a vis FPA, but don’t be surprised if that route is blocked. BP has integrity and will not do that.

Edit: just as a side note, I have watched Jason’s presentations several times. Some of his strategies are so simple they can be coded in less than a day. Of course they don’t work out. Plus in one recent presentation, he cherry picked his results and even showed a chart with a losing trade the day before which of course he hadn’t highlighted.

I lost over $300 falling for the same type of scam a few years ago. The whole “only 3 left!” and “1 day 3 hours and 2.2 minute and the price doubles” are what really made a sucker out of me. It was nothing to do with forex, but I probably would have fallen for the same thing you did had I not learned my lesson then.

But yea. I would definitely have your bank take care of it. I got most of my money back going that route as well.

Thanks guys. Lesson learned. Thanks for helping me spread the word. On a positive note, if the bank gets my money back…there’s a little bonus for the starter account.

Yep … add another 200 and you’ll have a proper sum to start out with.
A thousand bucks is a nice starting capital to play around with before the training wheels come off. :slight_smile:

Trade micro lots for a year or so, then increase your trading capital (by funding) to 5-10k and do this.


Thanks. Thats the three year goal. Just started demo trading recently. Still trying to find my way. Thank god for babypips.

Did they offer this on Click Bank or any other online shop 'n stop? If so, you could actually take action against both the parties concerned and even file a claim…just a suggestion.

They demo the product in a "live " webinar and then give you a link to their "special offer only " website. That’s where they try to throw in add - on software and then you buy through their page. My own fault. I was two weeks into researching about forex and I took the bait…if I only knew then…

Ouch! I would never hit a purchase link in any webinar, even if it was hosted by Sorros…
But you may want to check your CC statement and find out from the billing info more info. For example, some webinars do host the “purchase link” right at the end of the session and it usually takes you to the product page, often hosted in websites like Click bank. So check out your CC statement and see if you can do a charge back…you should be able to get your money and either way, welcome to Fx…
Believe me, we have all been there…really sorry you’d to go through it.

Man, that really sucks, but you’re taking care of it the right way. I got my start trading penny stocks a few years back, so I definitely got educated about the snake oil salesmen early on. LOL Anyone ever been on ihub? That place is a 3 ring circus. Everyone who posts there is either a moron, or a pumper who needs a few years in prison. LOL You’re in the right place though, I’m pretty new here though I am a long time member on other boards, but I must say that I am impressed with the integrity and professionalism of the posters here.

I can agree with that, this forum is amazing!