Newbie here hep me out

Here to learn and to learn how to make money

Wrong mindset. Get serious before you even consider making money. FX trading is simple but not easy, and most newbies fritter away their accounts. The Key is to learn HOW NOT TO LOSE MONEY.

Social media has a lot to answer for - it’s a bubble lifestyle for a few gamblers, not reality.

Hmmm. :thinking: If only it were that easy! :sweat_smile: It might take a while but I hope you’re determined enough! :smiley: Having multiple streams of income would never hurt especially at a time like this. :smiley:

Hello and welcome @NIGHT_74!

It’s a very long journey. In that journey hope this will give you some tips. Check this post.

To make money in forex, you need patience and skills to learn. It may take longer than you expect but be sure that through the correct amount of practice, you will master forex trading and will get good results soon.