Newbie in forex hoping to learn a lot here

Hi. I am not sure if I am posting in the right section. I tried to search and it led me here. I’m still trying to be familiar with the forum.
I’m new to forex and binary option. I’m quite interested and I am hoping to learn from different sources and people. But really it overwhelms me with the many information I am getting. :smiley:

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Hi :slight_smile: start from the education section, good luck :slight_smile: Regards Greg

Yeah. There is a lot to learn, just stay calm and focus on learning.

Hello! I think your post is in the right category. :wink: Take it one step at a time. The School here is great to start your journey. Good luck!

Welcome. There’s really so much to learn. You can start with the BabyPips school. Focus on that first.

This may help you. Welcome!