Newbie Looking For A Good US-Based Broker

With the amount of capital you are prepared to deposit, you have exactly two choices:

OANDA - or - GAIN (

Oanda or Gain. ---- That’s it. ---- Period.

Seven years ago, you would have had about 2 dozen choices.

But, the control-freaks at the CFTC put a stop to that.

So, flip a coin. ---- Oanda? or Gain? ---- Gain? or Oanda?

Forget the “offshore” option at this stage in your trading “career”. Learning the bolts and nuts of this business, learning to master a trading platform, and learning a trading strategy that preserves your capital and actually earns you a few dollars is daunting enough – without adding in the complexities of dealing with an offshore entity, moving money out of, and back into, the U.S., and reporting your offshore trading activities to the IRS.

Oanda or Gain? ---- Gain or Oanda? ---- Thanks to the nannies at the CFTC.

Regarding the demise of FXCM-US, THIS will bring you up to speed.
