Newbie: Pip Value

Hi Guys,

New in forex and i just can’t wrap my head w/ regards to finding the pip value.

So last Feb 28, I long USDNOK, my entry was 8.55685 and stop loss @ 8.51348. I believe stop loss is +/- 400 pips.

My exit position was 8.76545.

8.76545 (exit) - 8.55685 Entry) = 0.20860, which is 2000 pips, is that correct?

Now, how would i calcluate my capital in terms of USD which is .10 micro lots?

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To be precise, your profit was 2086 pips.

I’m guessing that your position size was 10 micro lots (not .10 micro lots, as you posted).

All you need now is the dollar-value of one pip in a 10 micro-lot (10000 unit) position.

Unfortunately, the Babypips Pip Value Calculator doesn’t offer USD/NOK as one of the pairs in its drop-down menu.

But, the EarnForex Calculator will give you what you want.

Plugging in your USD account currency, your USD/NOK pair, your 10000 unit position size, and the price of USD/NOK at the time of your exit from this position, you get:

One pip is worth $0.11408427405324315 (you can round that to $0.11408)

Your dollar-profit on this trade is 2086 pips x $0.11408 = $237.97

Nice trade, by the way :grinning:

And welcome to this forum.

my opinion is the same as the account of clint. as it was supposed that in the produce.