Newbie to forex trading

Hi all, I’m Emmanuel, I am new to forex and I wish to learn more abt forex trading

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Press the green education button to start your learning journey. Enjoy your time here pracitising on a demo account.

Welcome to the community, Emmanuel! If you haven’t been through the School of Pipsology yet, you should check it out. Take your time learning and good luck!

In the right place then! Get stuck into the material and take your time. There’s no rush.

I too am new and am keen to learn

Welcome to the community! Feel free to reach out if you have any queries. Good luck.

Welcome to the community, Emmanuel. Get busy with the foundational knowledge you in order to trade. Good luck on your fx trading journey.

Welcome to the community, @LleweyMK. Have you checked out the education section here? You can start with that.

Hi newbie, you will get a lot of forex information through the school of pipsology. But reading it won’t be enough. Also, practice on a demo account to study better.