Newbie's First Impressions

Complete newbie with absolutely no experience of the Forex market. I was intrigued by a couple of videos I saw about Forex…not because of the money but because of what I see as a part statistical challenge / mind game / knowledge.

Thought I would just write a few first impressions which may make some sense to other newbies or forum lurkers about to start trading.

I started a demo account and basically played around while I was learning the various terms, graphs, etc. I have watched various videos which are great for tips although I did wonder wonder how some of the presenters would do without knowledge of hindsight?

What the top experts keep saying is important. The number one thing in my opinion is to make a plan and stick to it.

Obviously I was not in a position to make a plan as I know absolutely nothing about the Forex market.

My first steps were just to start a few trades without even thinking about which way the market would go. Basically a coin toss…lots of them. I was only interested in seeing ‘what happened’ rather than winning or losing. Questions such as ‘what happens when I press this’ … ‘why does this happen’ … ‘how do I change this’. Really basic stuff but good to watch the graphs and learn without worrying about profit / loss.

Many videos have lots of info on trends, stats, regression lines, ratios etc making what is essentially (for break even) a 50:50 approach quite complex. I want to keep things simple. Too many lines, colours etc just distract from what is happening.

My next step was to start to think about ‘up or down’ … will the graph move up or down based on the previous patterns. Not really interested in the market pair or all the other stuff the videos teach…just really wanted to get a feel for the movement and visual patterns. At this point I started to think about buy or sell. This is where I ironed out a few more silly errors such as clicking buy when I meant to click sell, not setting profit and loss stops, mistyping the lot size, not understanding how leverage really works.

I then compared a ‘stay and watch’ approach versus a ‘set stop and loss and walk away for the day’ approach. It’s definitely a mind game doing this. I find that the set and walk away approach needs more planning and knowledge of the market (which I do not have) whereas the active trading can be over in a few minutes and provides me with greater understanding of patterns of highs and lows etc. Quick returns and, in my opinion, no specialist in-depth knowledge of the market required in order to move the win:loss ratio away from 50:50 into my favour.

Feeling a little more comfortable I created a spreadsheet with starting balance, % profit target, % risk etc, breaking everything down over days and months. My challenge for the first month is to turn $5k into $6k which is a 20% return. I read time and time again in forum posts that 20% is achievable. So, $5k into $6k should be achievable. I also read that 2% risk was a maximum. I have set a 0.5% risk i.e. $25 during month 1 which means lots of smaller trades. 2 trades per day winning $50 over 20 days = $1000 required. Having the higher opening balance allows me to use leverage when I spot better trading patterns.

I have set default buy and sell trades with pre-populated stops to enable quick buy/sell trades without compromising my position. I have found this also helps avoid slippage on quick trades.

Plan commenced on 10th January with $5000. Currently standing at $5912 as at 18th January. 7 days trading (not all day…just at various points when my required patterns emerged). My return in January should be closer to 40% if this trend continues.

My win to loss ratio is currently about 3:1.

Maximum consecutive losses = 3

Maximum consecutive wins = 12

I’ve still made quite a few stupid errors and my profit would have been in excess of $6k if I had not made 2 typo errors when entering lot sizes.

I have a lot to learn and, according to the videos and expert advice, this winning ratio should not continue based on laws of averages. However, sticking to the plan and employing the same method over and over again should, in theory, work.

All of this is on a demo account and I know things will be different on a live account. The main one will be the mindset. Actually winning or losing real money.

For now I am happy spending the next few months learning a little more and making lots more mistakes.

I’ll post how things progress.

Nicely done and yes, do post updates. Hope more newbies follow a similar pattern, instead of taking a shot in the dark…
Nice work and yes, it is never a good idea to use the whole lot (indicators)

Hi Aussie, thanks for sharing your goals.

I’m at a similar stage in my Forex education though I’ve been demo trading for a year or two. I’ve just opened a small live account. For what it’s worth, my first goal is to spend 6 months actively trading and end up with my ariginal account largely intact. The odds are that in the first few months trading most newbies tend to lose most or all of their starting equity so if I can beat the odds and not lose it all I will be happy. More importantly I will have learnt an awful lot which will act as a good springboard into better trading decisions. This probably reflects my style as I think I’m quite a conservative trader and I like the mental challenge of getting one over the markets!!

Also, speaking as someone who’s recently made the leap from demo to live account trading, I can say that, as expected, it’s a completely different kettle of fish! I know some forex gurus advocate using demo acounts for a long long time (as I did) but I can honestly say that I’ve learnt more, predominantly about me as a trader, in 2 weeks of live trading as I did in several months of demo trading. I think Raghee Horner (‘Cleopiptra’ on this site) once said that after getting comfortable with the platform and your trading strategies on a demo account it’s better to go live with a small account (even just c. $200 starting equity) to continue the learning curve.

Best of luck with your trading goals. If you can keep up a ROI of around 20% per month then I would say that’s absolutely champion!

All the best, carpe diem!

i think you’re already on the road to success by keeping good record
all good traders have one thing in common…they all keep good record
good luck trading

So, hit my target for the month and now at $6040.

Spotted an early pattern this morning but had to leave for work so set up some auto trades which worked according to my plan and followed the pattern.

Presume most people keep trading once targets are hit? Or does anyone walk away and enjoy the spoils?

Keep at it, Aussie Gent. I think you’re doing everything correctly, so far. As a newbie, I think it’s good to just explore and see what works for you and what doesn’t. :57:

edit: I’d keep trading. Although I don’t use targets. But if the market is gushing entry signals like a fire hose, there’s absolutely no reason not to take them.

It depends, sometimes when I reach my target I continue to trade. But then again, it depends. There are times when I just walked away to take a break from all that stress…

I’ve continued to experiment with currency pairs and method.

It would seem that my method is ‘sniping’…I think. Fairly quick open and close positions. I realise there are spreads to account for but longer term positions just do not work for me…yet. With the patterns I work with the spread does not really affect how I work since, if I am working on a SELL strategy, I simply wait for the currency pair to increase to a position above my last close point (usually to a high in the pattern) and reopen.

Yesterday I stuck totally with a refined method and had 26 wins no losses totalling $460 in about 3 hours.

I don’t use any fancy graphs or analysis so I think, based on what I have read, it’s totally ‘price action’.

Seems to be working for me.

Any concerns about ‘sniping’ (if this is what I am doing)?

Any advice or things to watch for?

why do you enter a position ?

what is your stop loss and take profit ?

my advice is to keep it simple, i’ve started to search for indicators and holy grails and after 1 year i’m more lost than when I’ve started

just keep practicing with the demo also