Newbie's question about candlestick :)

I’m a new here , i am learning in babypips school and i have some question :
1/ When we see dragonfly doji and gravestone doji , what should i do ?
2/ In this situation , if the hammer is replaced by a hanging man , what would happen :

And if the hangin man is replaced by hammer in this picture , what would happen

3/ And how about Inverted Hammer or Shooting Star is replaced by another ( i mean Inverted Hammer is replaced by Shooting Star and Shooting star is replaced by Inverted Hammer ) :

best regards

I will attempt to answer this one. I am also a newbie in forex. The candlesticks you mentioned are single candlestick. They need confirmation signal from the next candlestick before we can act on it. Doji candlestick means indecision among the bulls and bears. Best is to wait for the next candlestick to form before making any decision. Just my own point of view.:slight_smile:

The single candle patterns are very difficult to trade.
Many of them make no difference at all to the price action.

The real patterns to trade are the 2 and 3 candle patterns.

Have a look at the 2 + 3 candle patterns in the following hyperlink :

Japanese Candlestick Charting Explained