I’m completely new to trading and will gladly take any advice anyone has to offer. My background is environmental sciences and industrial hygiene so, I’m learning to walk again so to speak.
Hi, LangFamily,
you have come to the best place to improve your trading.
Have a good journey.
You must use your logic when to trade and your instinct when not to. Not protecticting your capital is a BAD IDEA, the trade is not going as supossed to just close it, admit you screwed, acept a minor loss and move on, put a sticky note where you can see saying “Next 1000 trades”, don’t rely on a single trade, waiting until it goes back to green is a waste of time and will cost you your entire dopsit, depending on your leverage, using all leverage available it is very stupid, leverage is a foolstrap to suck out all your money faster. ALso study all systems availables if you want and stick with what you feel more confortable, easily said than done, we all switched from system to system. If you are the ones who likes indicators I must tell you, don’t rely on a math formula only, it is more difficult to operate naked charts but once the skill is adquired I will tell you will not regret the effort.
As a final word,it doesn’t matter if you trade only 100 USD and you make pennies at the end of the month, soon you’ll find out that is not the money you will become adicted to and there will be moments you will want to quit, you will say “ok this is enough I am not really good at this, there might be a catch”, I will tell you, it does worth the effort and the sacrifice, the best experience that money can’t buy. Just remember the basic thing in trading: [B]DON’T BE AN IDIOT AND PROTECT YOUR CAPITAL TO ALL COSTS, NEVER RISK MORE THAN 1% OF YOU ENTIRE ACCOUNT.[/B]