May I know through which software and which news channel you obtained the latest ‘relevant’ news for Forex trading?
May I know through which software and which news channel you obtained the latest ‘relevant’ news for Forex trading?
Usually your broker has a pretty decent news feed which you can get some info through.
I usually just watch forexfactory’s calendar to see when major events are scheduled and make sure I trade appropriately. I know there are channels like bloomberg although you pay for those. For me just watching the calendar does the job.
I personally like IFR markets, dow jones, and 4cast but you really have to know what to look for and how to dissect the information. I think a lot of people on here just get FFs calendar and maybe pop on some Bloomberg and are fine. But I find that those services which are commercial btw give you a much more trader focused insight. You get a lot of news each minute which can be overwhelming but you will get info you can’t anywhere else.
Thanks, I myself relied mostly on Pips Fundamental, Bloomberg and DailyFx. Any other channels where they provide deep analysis on the fundamentals? Appreciate your response