HI, I hear a lot of traders saying they dont trade during news releases becaus e of the sudden swings and unpredictability of the market…
is there any easy way of knowing when these news releases are…
and im presuming it is only relevent to the pair you may be trading, i.e a japnese ecenomic release would not be relevent if i was trading USD/GBP… am i correct??
good question 60minman. Lets learn from their answers
You can check out Forex Factory for their calendar or babypips has one too to learn when the high impact news are.
excellent, thanks alot… wouldnt it be cool if charting software had markers showing the upcoming news also???
i think there is an indicator for this actually.
there is an indicator for MT4 in forexfactory called FFCal, search for those and don’t forget to check “Allow DLL imports” on indicator common tab.