News time posted on ff

The times listed on news calendar in forexfactory?
Is the time listed there when the news first comes out or? Most of the times are listed in EST.If we live in other time zone, how are we to follow the news while sleeping?

Thanks for clarifying.


I am not to sure about the news calendar at forexfactory but forex peace army has a good one. You can change time zones to pretty much anywhere in the world, and the news data is filled soon after realease. The times you see for the news is the release time and are tradable if you stay awake. You will see the market move quite a bit depending on which news(ex. 5 Stars). If you want to trade these events there are program to get you the data and in the trade as soon as it is released(Rapid Signal Service & Secret News Weapon), there are risks of trading this method such as slippage. hope that helps.


Forex news trading calendar with economic events analysis and currency exchange charts

On our economic calendar, you can adjust the time zone on the left…

Forex Calendar: Economic Calendar for FX Trading News & Event Risk

Thanks, but which time zone is the news posted on the calendar?It appears to be GMT not EST.Correct?