Personally, one of the most attractive aspects of trading Forex is the fact that it is all about me, my own personality, how I feel, how I deal with the psychological impact of loosing and gaining alike, [B]and[/B] since I love to think about myself [I]don’t judge me, lol[/I], I daydream about my personal, profitable trading strategy designed by [I]moi[/I] that will complement who I am.
Here is the thing: It’s just like when I got promoted from a barista to a shift-supervisor. For the first week I had to shadow other members on the management team in order to learn what had to be done in a day and to witness first hand, how they managed to get those things done. Then there was a messy 3-week period where I was put on the front line to demonstrate what I learned. Just last week, during a coaching conversation, I confidently said, “You know, our manager is a machine. When she says she will do it all, she does. I prefer to spend the extra time with the customers and for that reason on my shift you may find yourself working your slide position a little more than you would on her shift. We are different, we run our shifts differently and each of us has different expectations under the umbrella of our guiding principles. Do you kinda understand that?”
For that reason, I pray you will share your experience, for the active traders. I mean if you are an expert trader, intermediate, or noob like me, tell me about your day, what are you saying to yourself when you wake up, what specifically are you protecting yourself against in a trading day, do you grab the news first or some charts, do you have a special place that you like to trade, do you place orders or do you watch your screen or do you do both, in a day? Is it like retail where you have no idea what your day is going to look like, well, how do you manage? More than your system, I am curious to know routines. Please, please share.
I have learned a ton of information from the School of Pipsology and here, low-riding around this forum. I am in Middle School, I have a demo account. The demo account was funner before I learned everything because I had no idea what in the heck I was doing. Now I have all of the information, but I am confused as to how to bring it all together. [I]This is a metaphor: I am curious to know how you all are running your shift so I can begin to run my own. [/I] Everyone’s answer is going to be different, no matter how similar they are. Also, since trading is so relative to everyone’s own self, no one’s day or trading moment is wrong. I am just curious to hear about active traders, be it live or demo, just active, activities surrounding trading, placing a trade(s), etc.
Please Share!