NOOB looking to invest in FAP v52

Hi All , i’m a noob in forex , i’ve been left some money that i woudl like to invest a little in forex. I’ve bee reading around and came across a forex robot called FAP V52. All the reviews seem very positive does anyone have any expereince of using this ?

The wya its marketed is that as long as you have the settings correct it shoudl product profit for you ??:33:

save your money there are much better ea’s out there. Also most of the reviews you are reading are from people selling FT for a commission. Buyer beware!

If you asked my advice, I would say DO NOT follow this course of action. Why ?

  1. you know nothing about trading
  2. there is no EA in the world that will allow you to sit back and watch the money roll in
  3. I would never by that particular EA
  4. You know nothing about trading (did I say that)
  5. Trading can takes years to master. There is no such thing as free or easy money. Believe me you will follow 95% of forex prospectors to an empty bank account or worse.

Learn to trade. Then come back to automated trading with fresh, wiser eyes.

alternatively, trade now, manual or automated and then come back when you have learned the hard way.

Listen to Johnnykanoo, he’s the EA guru!