Noob to Million: The Forex Noob Trader Journey

Thanks, we will just have to wait and see if indicators is useful or not. :blush:

Thanks, well look into it.

Hi eondak, I don’t go into details about how I trade, I just update my progress every day.

I told you this before, but you ignored and chose to learn the lesson the hard way.

This is a revenge trading mentality, You need to stop it. Losses are inevitable in this game, just trade with an open mind. Stop seeing the next day as a day to recoup the previous day’s losses, you might still end up losing - You can never predict the outcome.

Lol, I didn’t loss because I was playing aggressive, I loss because I forgot to put SL on and when I came back to check it already went up so I just decided to just leave it as is and it got knock out today due to the high gap spread of the opening hour if not for that it would have come back down. If it was a loss due to playing aggressive than yes you are right, but in this case it wasn’t.

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Great work so far. I pray you hit your target

@CeyFX how’s it going?

Just found your thread again.

What’s been happening the last 4 weeks?


The obvious has happened…

A reminder that 6% a day is too risky.

Hit the goal and retired?

I think his account blew up