Not everyone can become a trader :(

Since Eddy MO is an Honorary member of Baby Pips, he or she must have been around a while. I think it might be worth looking into.

He started with worst than nothing. He was a Jewish teenager in Nazi-occupied Hungary.

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This is true, but according to Wikipedia he earned several degrees in economic philosophy and got a job as a Trader and I am sure he was funded. In another word; he had plenty of money to play with which is a plus in the markets especially if your gonna trade which reduces your risks considerably.

Him being that smart as he is most probably he traded on a margin and most probably trading somebody else’s money :slight_smile:

Where has the original poster (Marketdeal) gone?

I hope he can come back and tell us what he has been doing and thinking…

I hope he is ok :))

Any one can try trading in forex but not every one can survive here. Forex trading is not easy as we think. We must have strong mentality to be able to survive in forex trading. We also must improve our skills to get more maximal result.

Actually it is very very easy to trade the forex markers - simply open an account with zulutrade - let the professionals do the work for you, while you sit back and enjoy returns in a protect protective environment specially designed for followers. It is a nice alternative for newbies, or people that cant trade themselves or have no time for that…

Hahahahaha, wipes tears away. Love it!!! I was good up until “Protective environment”.

There is a good thing I heard about ages ago in a project management book. Anyway its called W-Theory (win win theory). In short if you want to ever do anything with someone else you need to make sure your incentives are aligned. If not then you’re going to end up with issues. This is why its always better if you are going to place money somewhere to do it with someone that is personally invested. Someone trading for fees alone doesn’t give a single **** about your capital. Anyway I think its a good rule for life.

pipwhip, seems you are not really aware of what zulutrade or how exactly it works. Therefore I you sustain of actually correcting you. If you open an account with zulutrade, you will actually understand exactly what we are talking about here :wink:

cheers, eddy

[QUOTE=“DimaRufx;617408”]Actually it is very very easy to trade the forex markers - simply open an account with zulutrade - let the professionals do the work for you[/QUOTE]

Although, of course, whatever the merits of Zulutrade someone doing this would not actually be trading.

Well, not exactly, we can call it an alternative way to trade the forex markets and make a reasonable returns out it them.
Correct me if I am wrong, here :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=“EDDY MO;617743”]Well, not exactly, we can call it an alternative way to trade the forex markets and make a reasonable returns out it them. Correct me if I am wrong, here :)[/QUOTE]

I’m not questioning the possibility of returns, just making a simple point as it sometimes gets confused on here: the person placing the trades is trading, the follower who profits from those trades is not. Call it investing, speculating, whatever else, but it is not trading. It’s not meant as a criticism, I was just clarifying an inaccuracy in an earlier post.

I am aware of what it is and have looked at it a bit. I’m not saying that you couldn’t make money with it. I just don’t think anyone should say that its easy. What i have seen from a lot of the strategies on there is, since its free to add a strategy you could come up with say 20 different randoms ones that trade on demo accounts. Each of these has a chance of a winning run. People join it, they get fees and they it barfs and everyone complains they had big draw downs. I think if you are sensible about who and what you follow and apply some decent portfolio theory then its workable. But saying its safe is just not true. Its like kickstarter, there are some gems but its mostly ****.

Watch this its not boring and you will not regret it much of the same story as the guy

Watch “How to Kick A$$ in Any Financial Market (and What…” on YouTube - How to Kick A$$ in Any Financial Market (and What…:

we must trade more time guys. if we want become good trader

In conclusion this is just a waste of time,effort and money. Now i am really tired ,frustrated and sick from this trading thing.It,s a fact not everyone can become a trader because everyone deals with his emotions,patience and frustration from loosing trades in a different way which effect his or her trading results. I feel your pain

Trading is a skill, just like sports, arts, medicine, etc. The education and knowledge is out there, but having the discipline to learn and develop a method that works for you is the question. Having what it takes to step up and take risks, and do the work necessary to review and improve your trading is what is required to become a trader, but controlling your emotions when, not IF, you lose money, is what will turn a trader to a successful one…:60:

I’ll look at the video link on this thread. But there is always someone trying to sell something, there always will be, they prey off our fears. On the other hand it is always nice to learn new approaches to whatever your doing. You lost a hundred bucks on your trading, no big deal. I have lost more than that playing the lottery. How many times do you go shopping and buy stuff you don’t need. So, 100 bucks is nothing. Now several thousand might be something to worry about. I trade because I enjoy it. I use to feel like you. I read and read, studied and studied. I finally came to the conclusion, after learning all this stuff that it isn’t so bad. Even if I never make a dime I just like it!

On the first month of trading, you should be able to answer yourself if this is for you. If you have doubts, don’t push it. You need to be passion in trading in order to succeed here.