On gambling: What was the biggest win you've had from a casino trip?

Yeah would love to read these stories too!

I’ve only made 100 dollars haha

That’s good enough especially if you only put in $10!

I was not so much casino trips, but the most memorable is the one that brought me $ 10k. I still remember how happy that my strategy still managed to lead me to victory, and even to such a large sum. It was worthy it, so I continued to look for different ways to increase the percentage of winnings. I have succeeded, but already in online casinos - https://bet365predictions.com. The pandemic has made some adjustments, but I managed to adapt to this rhythm of life and continue to develop as a gambler.

Which game were you playing when you won that $10k?

i really love to play casino game… i win lots of coins

I don’t have much luck at all with gambling. So I try not to gamble and my biggest win was 150

Everybody knows that online gambling is taking a huge rise. People are spending lots of money on betting games and making money.

£5.5K in my early days of trading, which was ,basically, gambling!! Lost £6.5K the next day!!

Nothing interests me less than simply gambling. They don’t need more money and I won’t give them any more of mine. Finding value bets and flying under the radar is much more fun and mathematically profitable.

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Quite true out of intrest are you matched betting or do you trade the sports betting market

Do the odd bit of matched betting where the offer is worth it but mainly look to advantage play value bets on bookies. Can be done on exchanges but the over rounds are much much tighter due to wisdom of crowds and no edge required by the exchange to make money as they will make it on small spreads and commission much like a broker.

Me too :roll_eyes:
But it’s time to change it

Not a lot. About 100$.