Hey. I have started the School of Pipsology track (which is super btw!) but I sometimes feel that I am more of a video course kind of guy. Can anyone recommend a good online video course to learn forex? I am a beginner and want to learn everything from the bottom up. I really am looking for good quality here, preferably free but would not mind a paid option if the content is superior. Thanks!
I would recommend a membership with this website Learn Forex Trading With Forex Mentor Pro
When I was first starting to learn forex; I subscribed to them for a little while. It really helped flesh out the basics and see how to apply them. You can learn a ton from youtube just looking up things but the reason I liked this site because the people that run it are very accessible. You can’t really ask questions of a video if you don’t understand something or something isn’t adequately explained. And at 50 a month it’s the most reasonable mentoring/learning service I found. They have a healthy video and reading library as well as systems that their traders use who go over how they are analyzing the charts.
Again, you can probably find everything you need online at no cost. But to me it was worth paying the few dollars to see how experienced traders applied their principles when trading.
And as a disclaimer; I am in no way affiliated with that website. I’m just a very satisfied, former customer.
Thanks a lot. Will check it out!
This free course is called Jump Start. � Jump Start Discussion Besides the free course have tons of video’s on utube. They have a very simple entry exit strategy which once you understand the price action course you can verify
Price Action has a free course but also tons of free articles Forex Trading Strategies | Forex School Online Forex School Online Great site for learning about Support and Resistance
Another free beginners course http://www.edlomax.com/likes/TopDogMiniCourse I like this course if for no other reason, he breaks down very simply the five things you want to have on your side before you enter a trade. b the jump start course this will be called a 5 alarm trade I believe.
I’m not promoting,getting paid for or any other kind of benefit money or otherwise from these sites. I personally have gone through all three and found them to be helpful. By the time your done with them and the school here, you will have a good feeling for what type of trader you are and how you should trade in the beginning. Of course they all offer paid for courses as well that expand on what they are offering in the free course. But that’s a decision for you another day.
Have a Good One
Thanks for the great recommendations, greatly appreciated! Will check them all out.
I see you got a lot of info already! I’ll chime in too with my own recommendation. I haven’t tried any of the other courses mentionned here.
I personnaly quite liked the course that forextrainingworldwide does. It’s completely free and extensive. I am a trader for many years but a friend of mine just started and went through this course so i had a look too with him. They teach primarly price action, which is I think the best way to trade and to learn.
Anyway have a look. It’s free and well-done. Enjoy!
I would suggest you to learn/read PA related articles and threads…
Fine them here at babypips and you will see a guide lines from the discussions and sharing we make…