Only taking high quality signals? or Taking all quality signals?

Ayy Everyone! :stuck_out_tongue:

Throughout January 12 - 23 I have had over 20+ signals when I was trading mobile, and made a 3% gain on my demo account so far. I’ve taken every trade quality that fit into the strategy/system.

So as the title says:
Would you take every trade that fits into your strategy?
Would you only take the High quality trades?

I feel like the whole “Fear of missing out (FOMO)” thing could apply a bit to my situation, sense I’m hopeful that some of those low quality trades would turn a profit, but I also feel like I would be welcoming in more losses if I do.
So how would you guys tackle this situation?

There is no such beast. Either your strategy gives a trade signal or it doesn’t.


Define high quality signals vs low quality signals.I agree with bob, however your definition may be a clue to how you can answer it to yourself. What is a low quality signal? Why would you use a low quality signal? Does low quality signals come hand in hand with FOMO?

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Thanks for those answers guys.
Looks like I have a bit more mental evaluating to keep a record of, huh? Haha

I would say each signal that gives you profit is a good signal-for my part i distinguish also between the signals-but concerning their propability.So my “high quality” signals are those with a percentage of app.85% that the trade is not closed in loss, other signals are more risky, they are used if i have had before “a good run” so i can afford to risk something, which i would not do at the beginning of the day.

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Don’t spoil a ‘good run’ by taking a risk you wouldn’t if you weren’t on a good run

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No need to take low quality trades, ever. There will be a high quality trade along shortly which matches your strategy. Run your own strategy, not other people’s.


Good morning-
thats what i call a "high risk "trade i closed right now:

the price seems to fall steadily, but indicators show a heavy oversold situation.
Well, it could happen every second, that the move stopps or goes in the other direction. On the other side, it could also happen that the move is going on.

So i went in this “high risk” trade, the price moved down and at last…closed in profit.So the gods where with me…gg!

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Obvious answer is obvious. Run the numbers.

Look at your profitability if you had taken all the ‘quality’ trades (however you define that), and compare that to your profitability if you had taken only the ‘high quality trades’ (however you define that).

Then do the one that makes you the most money.

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Yes Bob said it correct. Any type strategy always gives high quality signal. It is we who make the mistake. Only a well defined goal and strategy can solve this. You have to know your winning odds. Fear of missing trade comes from not having full knowledge of your strategy and yourself.

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