Parabolic SAR - that's all!


I think the best thing to be done with this lovelly EMA’S is that u go short or long heavily like 5 lots or so and wait for 20 pips just concentrate on 2 pairs

this is your strategy on dalily basis.

the other thing to be done is to look for the 50 and 200 EMA’S and check them with PSAR for day time frame but not over trade your account

what do u think i know it sounds perfect but how u do it is the key!!



I noticed that on a 5 min chart with the JPY �s if you follow Dales method WITH a harami I am having some success. I have attached the chart with white arrows to buy, stop loss is the SAR and or the previous candle. It seems to add to Dales current system and I have traded it on the last two entries.

If anything maybe something to consider and or look at.

Hope it helps a few people


What I’ve been doing in my demo accounts. Is to buy or sell as soon as the SAR reverses. I place the stop loss above or below the swing high. (or low).I closs the trade as soon as I get what looks like a reversal. That has helped me make $12,000. In my demo in September. I hope my luck doesn’t change when I do this for real After the holidays! In my demo this month(I wish they gave you more than a month on those things). I was $4,000 ahead. But, two trades were a sell. They bounced off the 14 EMA, and turned into losses. In last month demo, I did 1 standard lot per trade. This month, I’m trying 2 lots.

Hi Dale,

So you are using the EMA cross as an entry AND an exit. Simple enough, but from looking at the charts it could be risky. some of the reverse crosses are so low that you lose alot of profit. I’m thinking about taking two positions, one with a TP (eyeballed from the previous few candles), and the other with a SL that I move to BE and let it run.

It sounds like we have the makings of a good system. I’m interested to see how brittle it is in different market conditions.

Good computer maintenance tips Dale!

I try to clean the physical components once every few months, especially with all the desert dust here in Arizona and having pets. Unless I skipped over reading it, there is one very critical thing you need to watch out for when opening up your computer… static electricity! You NEED to discharge the static electricity from yourself before you touch any components in your computer. Touch the metal part of your case or something else close to you to discharge. I also keep one hand on the metal of the case while touching components or on the metal, outer casing of my power supply. Don’t wear a wool sweater or wool socks while doing this… and don’t go rubbing your feet all over the carpet!

I’ve fried motherboards, RAM, and video cards by not being careful! Money down the drain! Like risking all your money on a bad trade not following your system’s rules!

Some tools you can get are rubber mats to stand on and they have these wrist bands that your wear with a wire and a metal clip that you can attatch to something to discharge the static while you work.

I love CCleaner (Crap Cleaner!) and use AVG. Other useful (free) programs IMHO are SpywareBlaster and Spybot-S&D! to get rid of and keep spyware and adware and all that nasty type of stuff off your system. The thing I’ve found is that some programs will find different sources of spyware than others, so I use a couple different programs to search it all out.

Using Dale’s tips and keeping a good routine of cleaning your computer physically and inside that hard drive, you’ll keep it running smoothly for years to come.

Disclaimer: These are things that have worked for me that I have learned through the years building computers and learning on the internet. If you do anything outside of your warranty or your computer stops working, I am not to blame. Don’t drink and fix computers! :wink:

Of course, if you feel worried about going inside your computer or if your warranty forbids you to do so, take it up to a repair shop… some money spent on having it cleaned and fixed up is a lot better than spending tons on new parts or a whole new computer!

Great post Dale!


It’s brittle!!! Trust me!!!

Hey Rob,

Thanks for adding the ‘static’ bit - you’re right - no question. I just posted the post because if there is one thing that REALLY used to ‘pis me off’ when I had my computer business was these 'wet behing the ears little fuks’ that only knew how to replace things - not fix them - and it’s a culture that has developed worldwide from what I gather. (And what do you mean ‘don’t drink’ while you’re doing this!!! I’ve done some of my best work at 03h00 in the morning after a ‘good session’)!!! Only kidding (well - I’m not kidding - but Rob’s probably right)!!! Oh and Rob - I LOVE the disclaimer!!!

Anyway - if the truth be told - the ‘Captain’ and I are ‘at it again’ tonight - so - either ignore any posts I post between now and tomorrow morning - or take them with ‘pinch of salt’!!!

Me - right now - have had it with this business. I reckon it’s time for me to go and haul out my guitar, blow the dust of my PA’s, plug in my Marshall’s, and start practicing - because if this ‘sh*t’ keeps on for much longer - I’m going to be playing Friday nights for food and drink!!!

Oh, and johto, I tried that - does not work BUT I sent a message to the Administrators asking them how to do it and I’m waiting for a reply. I have THE BEST animated GIF to go with my ‘pink elephants’!!!

dundee, where have you been!!! How can you ask me if I’ve changed my strategy??? I would NEVER change my strategy!!! I mean - why would I ‘fu*k’ with something that worked before??? WHY!!!

jacioux, I don’t have ‘salami’ (sorry ‘harami’) candles on my platforms but thanks for the posts. I’ve read, seen, and heard about them but I can’t use them. The input and concern is greatly appreciated though.

jw44, (where are you from), I also hope for your sake that things go the same way when you open a live account - I know they didn’t for me!!!

and last, but not least, my good friend Akram:

I’m glad to see you’re still ‘giving it your all’. I love you man. Keep it up!!!

You know - ‘I gotta’ tell you all something’:

I really appreciate this thread and all of you. Like I said before - if it was not for this thread - I would have ‘thrown in the towel’ by now.

Anyway - tomorrow is another day (I have to go and feed ‘Dumbo’ again - man that elephant eats a lot - and - oh - Tarja needs something from the store - so I had better go now before she gets upset - man - the things I do to keep her happy)!!!

(maurizio77, where are you 'buddy ‘ol pal’? I hope you’ve noticed that I’ve given YOU credit for my signature)!!!

Edit: By the way - I’ve been meaning to ‘share’ (hate that word) something with you people that has me ‘in stitches’ everytime I see it. I also subscribe to (the Evanescence message board - as any self respecting ‘schizo’ at 42 years old would do) and somebody (I forget who) has this signature:

‘Hanna Montana is Satan in disguise’!!!

Everytime I see that I ‘crack up’!!!


No seriously it works but u need to be little bit taking care of it so if we want to have 500$ a day that might be 10 pips with 5 lots!! that is why i am saying u can do it by trading it with u r maxiumem power!!!

may be u can take the 5 min as your trade timing with just 2 currencies that u should focus with only .i don’t know it is just a thought.

i think the timing as well has to be something every body should put in concederation like when London session is opened and the first 5 hours the American session is opened these are the best time to trade with.

Ohh man don’t tell me about the elephant we had lots of thunder and lightining yesterday which is not common at all in Egypt (it happenes for may be 1 time for 30 sec every year only) so i was scared alot coz one of these nice voices was exteremly high was like outside my home i thought Dale’s Elephant was running after me!!!

Ohh did u hear that??? i better go to sleep before getting this syndrome attacking the hell out of me!!!





It must have been ‘Cleopatra’ outside your door last night not ‘Dumbo’. ‘Dumbo’ was here with me and ‘Captain Jack Sparrow’ last night listening to ‘Nightwish’.

I’ve spoken to her (‘Cleopatra’) as well on occasion but, you know, she’s never been willing to tell me how they built those ‘fuc*ing’ pyramids!!!

‘Fu*k me’, I feel terrible this morning!!!

Of course every single position I opened (yesterday morning) based on the daily charts is showing a loss as well. ‘Fu*k this for a laugh’!!!

U really think so???!! i wish she was the one. Although they r saying she wasn’t pretty at all any ways beauty standerds differ from time to time my friend.but will never mind if she was elizabeth taylor!!! offcourse i mean when she was young NOT NOW!!!

Yeah i woke up early and i have the same sistuation here. the new thing i did here is that i am over trading my account don’t tell me why u did so i have no idea but when i think about it right now i feel i did that while i wasn’t foucing of what i am doing.I think i have to put some real money soon rather than this little ones i will have more decipline!!!

Let us hope today will be good other wise i will have to blame elizabeth taylor oops i mean cleopatra!!


Hello All,

I have two positions opened since yesterday based on our first set of rules. Currently, AUD/CHF is at +54 pips and AUD/NZD is at -10 pips.

i’m long on eur/chf, against all rules waiting for a rebound…
what an analyst uh?

I have a question, what prices do you all have on your charts? I mean, is it the bid, ask or average price. I’m asking because I just realized that on my platform, I can choose to display the bid, ask or average prices on the charts and I’m wondering if it makes a difference which price is displayed.

finaly i have some profit shown on my account after taking some nice loss for yesterday for the postions i opened!! so why no one is posting ho everybody is doing???!!


We’re here I think. I however am having a pretty busy day at work…

Hello again,

Hey - ‘Just Joan’ - at Delta we can choose which price to be displayed. It makes a difference when you’re setting stop loss values i.e. if you’ve sold an instrument (pair) you must make sure that your chart is displaying the ‘Ask’ price and if you’ve bought an instrument (pair) you must make sure that your chart is displaying the ‘Bid’ price when setting stop loss values. If you don’t do this you ‘compromise’ yourself because your stops get set too tight i.e. if you don’t do this or do it the other way around your stop loss then does not include the spread. The ‘Middle’ price is ‘handy’ when you’re using other trading systems that are price based and you’re not sure if the author has taken the spread into account. Also the ‘Middle’ price is usually what’s quoted on TV e.g. Bloomberg and CNBC.

Akram, I’ve not posted as much as usual because we’ve had very bad thunderstorms here so I tend to disconnect everything (even although I have a gazillion lightning protection devices because I seen these things get taken out on more than one occasion and take everything else out with them - they’re useless).

Anyway - not to mention the fact that I’m now ‘sick and tired’ of this business.

But - ‘the show must go on’!!!

So, what I am now doing is this:

A combination of all (most) of our rules:

4 hour charts
21 EMA
50 EMA
Parabolic SAR

I’m opening positions when the 8 EMA crosses the 21 EMA (ideally both of these EMA’s will have crossed the 50 EMA as well but this is not a ‘deal breaker’). I will use either the 50 EMA or the 21 EMA as my initial stop loss (whichever is further away). If I’m not stopped out and the postion is showing a profit I will lock in the profits using the 21 EMA and the 50 EMA. What I’m going to attempt to do is close out half the position if the 21 EMA is hit and the remaining portion of the position if the 50 EMA is hit. If the price has bounced away from the 50 EMA after I’ve closed the position or I’ve been stopped out I will use Parabolic SAR or another cross of the 8 EMA and 21 EMA to reopen the position and track profits as before. The idea really is to open a position and stay in that position for as long as you can while the price is above or below to 50 EMA. Basically doing it this way results in you setting very small initial stops so if you’re wrong you don’t wipe out too much and if you’re right then the trade starts running. I’ve also decided that trading (‘chasing’) the shorter timeframes is a ‘mugs game’. I can’t take the stress or the pressure or the losses. To be honest with you - if this does not work out - then I am done with this ‘sh*t’!!!

Anyway - for what it’s worth - I’m showing a nice little profit ($1K) at the moment - the first time in weeks!!! Oh - and I’m back to trading all 44 pairs as well so the $1K at the moment is a ‘nett’ profit.


Well done my friend hope it will go up and up 1k is good for now.

the JPY is very strange currency it moves very fast don’t know why it does like that but this is he first time to trade this currency it was -80 pips and then+80 pips and now it is -20!!!


Here, I’ve attached a chart to show what I’m trying to do now.

From the chart the question you have to ask yourself is: ‘How can you go wrong’??? (As we all know that’s a very dangerous statement to make but let’s see how we go here).

You see - this is what I don’t get!!!

Even of the shorter timeframes this works but WHY am I missing these trades???

Just take a look at the chart!!! I was not in this trade for some or the other ‘fuc*ing reason’!!!

Right now - after just over a 24 hour period - this is currently at +144 pip’s - and it’s been higher today already.

Why, why, why???

I mean - this is my problem!!! You can obviously make money here but ONLY if you’re not missing stuff like this!!!

Does ANYBODY know of a solution to this???

I think the solution is using charts where you can set up a trigger/alarm of some sort. I know I’ve read of folks setting up some sort of trigger/alarm to let them know when the MA’s cross and all their other conditions are met so they don’t have to spend all day staring at charts. You do have to be close to your computer though.

Ok, back to the chart prices. All my charts on delta are displaying the bid prices. Although I’m beginning to wonder if I shouldn’t just make them display the average price cos I know I won’t remember to change to bid or ask depending on what direction I’m trading…Hmmm

But does it really matter? Apart from the stop loss issue you raised Dale, is there any other problem?