Pepperoni and pineapple please

[QUOTE=“abrsive;551383”]Great post Pizza, I completely agree with it… and congrats on the impressive results.

Now you are only missing a Myfxbook account to set yourself apart from all the rest of the hacks. Don’t respond that you don’t use MT4 or that your account is not compatible with it. A man with such a wealth of experience and impressive track record should be able to put a couple of grand in a account that CAN be linked with Myfxbook.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for the congratulations.

Unless you can explain to me otherwise, I don’t see how anyone could fabricate 7 months of trading reports showing the exact dates, times, price, and size of hundreds of trades. Each trade you can go back to that specific date and time and double check the historic price to make sure it adds up. Combine that with the screenshots I’ve been taking and you are delusional to doubt the performance I am showing.

And I’m not going to be posting results after October so not worth my trouble to set up accounts and link anything for two weeks of trading.

Heres another screenshot. Made a bet on progress being made on the debt ceiling with a usdjpy long. I didn’t even look at the chart for this trade. Price action what?

Seriously? You don’t see the irony between your repeated demands for a Myfxbook account and the fact that you do not have one? Interesting!

Let me preface the following by making clear that I don’t give a hoot about seeing a Myfxbook account and that I’m inclined to believe your story. It’s just ironic.

If you think I have the desire or time to go through the whole thread and add up your trades, you are the delusional one. Furthermore, you’ve deleted and edited a ton of posts. I don’t even see screenshots of your late September loss, nor the trades to recoup the lost equity.

Lastly, if you need me to explain to you how you can increase the balance on an account with other means (other than by trading it), then you have some issues. It’s done by making a deposit, dude.

And by the way, I’ve been in that UJ trade since Monday, and I just looked a the chart. Fundamentals what? There is more than one way to skin a cat.

Oh… And my mobile screen shot. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Seriously? You don’t see the irony between your repeated demands for a Myfxbook account and the fact that you do not have one? Interesting!

Let me preface the following by making clear that I don’t give a hoot about seeing a Myfxbook account and that I’m inclined to believe your story. It’s just ironic.

If you think I have the desire or time to go through the whole thread and add up your trades, you are the delusional one. Furthermore, you’ve deleted and edited a ton of posts. I don’t even see screenshots of your late September loss, nor the trades to recoup the lost equity.

Lastly, if you need me to explain to you how you can increase the balance on an account with other means (other than by trading it), then you have some issues. It’s done by making a deposit, dude.

And by the way, I’ve been in that UJ trade since Monday, and I just looked a the chart. Fundamentals what? There is more than one way to skin a cat.

Oh… And my mobile screen shot. dde1c

<img src=“301 Moved Permanently”/>[/QUOTE]

I’d be more then content with people that I have asked for myfxbooks to call lives trades, post screenshot of balances and finally post their account reports. Myfxbook is the easier option actually.

Obviously the deposit issue is valid up to this point. I could be making deposits to keep up my balance on my screenshots. However once I post my reports it will be only obvious that’s not the case.

Ok so there’s your first screenshot :slight_smile: just like my first one in April. One screenshot is meaningless. It’s the string of screenshots showing consistent profits that means anything. If you want to post account reports on this thread that would be great! If not you don’t really have much to say that I will find of interest.

If you do produce your last 7 months of account reports… And they show even half of my account percentage growth I will gladly eat my words and retract my comments about price action trading… So what do you say?

Until then… Price action what???

Done for the week. Here is what 10% on an account in a week actually looks like. Without magical price action.

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552959”]Done for the week. Here is what 10% on an account in a week actually looks like.

<img src=“”/>

<img src=“”/>

<img src=“”/>

<img src=“”/>

<img src=“”/>

<img src=“”/>

<img src=“”/>

<img src=“”/>

<img src=“”/>

<img src=“”/>[/QUOTE]

Dang those are blurry… Here’s another try

I have no intention to disprove you, out trade you or even banter about the merits of fundamentals vs. price action. I’m not a consistent, nor experienced enough trader… Yet. dde09 You on the other hand, seem to be both of those things. I do wish someone would actually show proof that fundamental trading is not the only way to be profitable… Some you Price Action rockstars??

Having said that… Here are my “non-fundamental trading” results for the week:

22% profit
78% win rate, with a buttload of pips (you’ll have to take my word on this)

Remember, I did not cherry pick this week, as it was clearly a spontaneous response to your UJ trade and corresponding “price action” slam.

Oh… Almost forgot. My second screenshot. dde03


I have no intention to disprove you, out trade you or even banter about the merits of fundamentals vs. price action. I’m not a consistent, nor experienced enough trader… Yet. dde09 You on the other hand, seem to be both of those things. I do wish someone would actually show proof that fundamental trading is not the only way to be profitable… Some you Price Action rockstars??

Having said that… Here are my “non-fundamental trading” results for the week:

22% profit
78% win rate, with a buttload of pips (you’ll have to take my word on this)

Remember, I did not cherry pick this week, as it was clearly a spontaneous response to your UJ trade and corresponding “price action” slam.

Oh… Almost forgot. My second screenshot. dde03 <img src=“301 Moved Permanently”/>[/QUOTE]

Your screenshot is showing 16.78% profit for the week not 22%.

But well done nonetheless!

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552982”] Your screenshot is showing 16.78% profit for the week not 22%. But well done nonetheless![/QUOTE]

You misread it, the first balance you see from Monday is AFTER the profit made that day. So a subtraction needs to be made in order for you to find out the weeks starting balance. It’s ok, it happens to the best of us.

Thanks anyway though (it’s just a week anyway), and congrats on your milestone… 10 grand in 7 months is quite impressive.

Ummmm, that sounds intelligent. Give 10k to an unknown person on a forum and they will give it back…

[QUOTE=“60proof;553050”] well I’m not exactly “unknown” but your point is valid nonetheless. It would take a leap of faith, I can see that, but it would be a gesture of kindness that I would personally never forget. I’m open to discussing alternate terms of course. And of course am available by phone if that helps eliminate the “unknown” element of the deal…[/QUOTE]

Sorry for being the devil’s advocate here BUT I have been an attorney for 14 years and I have practiced in several countries. A mere phone number does not signify stability and there is no guarantee whatsoever. In my world money talks and bs walks. With that being said, what do you have to put up to guarantee the funds?

[QUOTE=“60proof;553058”] YouTube Link:[/QUOTE]

Can’t watch on my cell…

[QUOTE=“60proof;553046”]excuse my persistence Pizza, but I have another offer for you to consider…

I originally asked for a loan of $10,000 and that is still what I seek, but I have some terms that might sweeten the deal for you…

  1. I would attach a Myfxbook to the account so you could track all my trades and progress
  2. I would pay the $10K back immediately upon crossing the $20K mark (doubling the account)
  3. If that account draws down below $7,500 I would immediately send you the $7,500 back, and pay the remaining $2,500 ASAP (within 6 months)

I’ve been so blind these past few years… I just want a 2nd chance. I am trustworthy, and I’m begging for the opportunity to prove it to you.[/QUOTE]

Do you have a myfxbook that shows a consistent profit to begin with? Throwing money at the problem will just get you $2,500 further in the hole… Plus the risks are all mine. Even if you did somehow manage to pay me back, the interest that I get from the loan would be exponentially less then the opportunity cost that I would incur from not trading it. The reasons I would do it to begin with would essentially be charity. The charity would actually cost me around $20-80k depending on how long it took you to double the account (even assuming you could).

It would actually cost me less and shift the risk to a more balanced situation if you were to send me $1,700 and I were to trade it up to $10,000 for you, guaranteeing the balancing (I would send you back the balance if I somehow blew the account… Which wouldn’t happen anyways) and send you the fat check of $10,000 eight months from now after trading it up.


I see what you’re saying. Maybe $10,000 is too much… my real intent was an amount that was relatively insignificant to you, but significant to me.

But your deal does sound fair. It’s not like I haven’t blown $1,700 in stupider ways[/QUOTE]

The amount isn’t significant … It’s the opportunity cost. Who knows how long it would take you to double the account… I just turned $1,900 to
$12,200 in 8 months… Applied to $10,000 that would be about $60,000 in the same time.

If you were confident you could turn my $10,000 to $20,000… Then I’m sure you could manage to rummage up a couple thousand… And then double that… And then do it again.


you’re right it isn’t fair, I didn’t see it that way I apologize.

So is your offer genuine? I’m really so hopeless right now it sounds like an oasis to me right now, and I at least believe you are a profitable trader…[/QUOTE]

Sure. I’m game.

Sigh…newbie here, just signed up to babypips and apparently a few days too late for whatever gems were in this thread eh? Lol.


you got an e-mail or something?[/QUOTE]

You’ll have to post yours lol…

No guarantees I get it before it is removed as I’m signing off now… But you can try.

Got it…

well hopefully we can discuss the details sometime soon, it’s a very generous offer

Even if Ilovepizza was a genuine trader and an all round nice guy, you are an idiot for doing this. This is a stranger on the internet. Says a lot for how smart you are “60proof”