Sounded interesting so I just downloaded it from a torrent site.
Refresh my memory after you watch it, if its any good I’ll watch it again:D
Let us know if it’s any good Mike!
On a side note - who’s looking for a Holy Grail? I’m certainly not!
Don’t think any exist, It just your method of trading, and experience:).
Didn’t the guy go crazy in the end?
This might be a bit of a spoiler, but…
…he kind of goes crazy, but then it cuts to a scene where he is more chill than ever, more so than the rest of the movie, when he is always on edge. For reasons I cannot divulge because they would spoil too much of the plot, it does not make sense how he transitions from nuts to sane. It is one of those movies with lots of scenes which can only be interpreted as dreams or hallucinations. On the other hand, it does make sense in light of it being a means to teach the sort of moral of the story…
For those who said they were going to see it and report back, don’t forget to tell us what you thought!
well I watched the movie. It was pretty strange. Kind of surreal. The kind of movie you should watch with all the lights off, really late at night.
There was one part that every trader needs to remember:
[B]"…When your mind becomes obsessed with anything, you will filter everything else out and find that thing everywhere…"[/B]
Looking for patterns in the market may seem like the smart thing to do but in the end it is really folly.
I apologize for posting a link to YouTube. I had no idea I would get a violation.
Hey, Steve
YouTube was not the problem. There are lots of YouTube links here on the Forum.
The problem is your post-count. You have to have 50 or more posts to your credit, before you can post links.
Ain’t the law a wondrous thing?
I thought that only applied to people who are trying to promote something. My mistake.
The law is a wondrous thing but those who apply the law are sometimes less than wondrous. I received an infraction. In my case, a friendly reminder or warning would have been enough. It was obvious I was not promoting. xtraction got banned but ThePhoenix remains. Is that a “wondrous thing”?
This Forum has a lot to offer to newbies and to veterans, alike. Take what you need from here, and contribute as you are able. And don’t sweat the small stuff, like the occasional infraction.
— post moved
Let’s take this to the[B] Forum Admins, ThePhoenix and Closed threads[/B] thread.
Pi - The Movie is very enlightening if you listen to the message.
speaking of enlightenment…
Before he became a hermit, Zarathud was a young Priest, and took great delight in making fools of his opponents in front of his followers.
One day Zarathud took his students to a pleasant pasture and there he confronted The Sacred Chao while She was contentedly grazing.
“Tell me, you dumb beast.” demanded the Priest in his commanding voice, “why don’t you do something worthwhile. What is your Purpose in Life, anyway?”
Munching the tasty grass, The Sacred Chao replied “MU”. *
Upon hearing this, absolutely nobody was enlightened. Primarily because nobody could understand Chinese.
- “MU” is the Chinese ideogram for NO-THING
I got an infraction for posting a link myself. Fortunately I was forgiven, but 50 posts does kinda seem like a lot for someone who doesn’t post as much as I do.
Talon: Interesting anecdote.
As far as Shelby’s post, you might be interpreting this too much. Basically, if looking for patterns in the market is folly, then we are all wasting out time here!
As as the movie goes, if any sort of moral ca nbe extracted from it, it would probably be something like “number’s can’t represent everything” or to be more sentimental, “there is more to life than numbers.” A profound philosophical discussion involves whether numbers actually represent anything real (on their own) or if they are just “made up.” It is difficult to conceive of, but perhaps there are other ways of perceiving things, and maybe they could be more effective. In the movie the character who seemingly knows the number also seems to know everything that is going on. Is such gnosis possible? It would imply a god-like knowledge, to be all knowing in an intuitive sort of way. This is why the Jews said it was the name of god.
That was gold
Only just saw the trailer but it looks pretty moving, had a random thought that it might be worth while putting trading movies into the babypips curriculum lol - that way you could better attempt to convey the same sort of extreme sort of positions and emotions one would be a ‘virgin’ to before faced with 50% drawdown or at best a margin call. Prior to that (from my experience) that sort of thing seemed to be impossible, sitting in a bubble of that can’t possibly happen to me. That and reading horror story level trading blogs :eek:
“absolutely nobody was enlightened.”