January 2, 2010, 1:48am
The law is a wondrous thing but those who apply the law are sometimes less than wondrous.
It’s [B]their[/B] house — “they” being the owners/administrators/moderators of this website. They make the rules.
We are guests here, in their house. And if they choose to kick us out, there’s nothing we can do about it.
I received an infraction. In my case, a friendly reminder or warning would have been enough. It was obvious I was not promoting.
An infraction [B]is[/B] a friendly warning. Shrug it off. It isn’t a permanent stain on your record.
I recently got an infraction for doing something much more serious than your “link violation”.
xtraction got banned but ThePhoenix remains. Is that a “wondrous thing”?
As I said before, it’s their house. They don’t need our permission to evict someone who really pisses them off.
This Forum has a lot to offer to newbies and to veterans, alike. Take what you need from here, and contribute as you are able. And don’t sweat the small stuff, like the occasional infraction.