Pip fluctuations

I know this is going to vary depending on the person and trade but generally when you place a trade, do you often notice massive fluctuations in pips throughout the term of the trade? I placed a trade this morning and it went up 21pips and then down 31pips and now it’s back up to 11pips and sometimes I think I set my stop loss too low but often times this sort of thing happens where it spikes and drops or drops and then spikes.

Really makes me nervous lol

You prefer a steady upwards price movement? :wink:

I don’t expect it to go straight up but to go up and down by 20 - 40 pips an hour isn’t normal is it?

I am not sure what pair you trade, but this is more common for EURUSD. But you would know that yourself when trading EURUSD, so I assume that you trade a different pair. In which case there could have been a news event that caused a stir.

Can you post a printscreen?

Try lowering your lot size and increasing your chart time frame (also your stop loss). Such big spikes are rare when there are no news. It will make you calmer and you’ll see the big picture more clearly.

If, what you are doing makes you nervous and not working, that means you should think about trying a different approach. One of the biggest problems lot of traders are facing is not having a good trading psychology.

Yeah, I’m only using the demo account and my emotions are running high. Just because I want to win! A lot of people say the best way to learn is to practice. So I’ve been using the demo system for about 2 weeks now. I’ll continue to use it until I find a system that works with relative consistency.

Some pairs are more volatile than the others, so such a thing is not exactly abnormal, especially if there was some kind of news coming out. I would recommend reading a forex calendar before you start trading to see whether there are any high-impact events expected later.

First of all make your fundamentals very clear for the instrument you want to trade, it’s the demand and supply of the instrument that makes high pip fluctuations. If you want a steady movement, look for major news and follow charts of all time frames. I would suggest avoid buying stocks at highs until you are sure with its fundamentals. You will get millions of opportunities to grab in this lucrative market but one wrong trade will make you lose what you can never get back.
Best of luck.

The pip fluctuations depend upon a lot of factors like demands and supply, news that impact the sentiments, trader’s reaction on the price reaction. There are a lot of factors which will affect your trades. What usually happens is when you place an order you tend see the change and volatility a lot more than on usual trading hours.