Please change back the image handling!

They have the technology…lol. I mean if forex factory can do it, surely babypips can too.

Very good point SweetPip! Most screens nowadays are widescreens so increasing the width of BP layout sounds like a good idea.

I also agree with the page width resizing idea. Good thinking people!

change it back please BP…

Thanks for the input everyone!

We got our techies to resize larger images to the width of the forums. You are still able to click on the embedded image to see its full size in a pop out window without leaving the post. Check it out!

That’s better except for the clickable wording at the top of each pic says :

“[I]The original image is sized ### x ### and [B]weights[/B] ##KB…[/I]”

it might be just me, but I think [B]weighs[/B] is more appropriate… :stuck_out_tongue:

Perfect! :slight_smile:

It’s great to see such a quick and personal response to users voicing their opinions on usability. Well done guys!

Thanks from me, as well. Throughout the Forum, all the posts containing images look great!

They just have to fix that spelling error now.

Weights should be weighs.

Still, should weight be considered with kb?

Is it not better to say …is X kb?

It says “sized” on my screen followed by dimensions… No mention of filesize?

We can’t seem to see the ‘weights’ part. Can you guys post a screenshot?

Also, what browser/OS are you using (for those who see ‘weights’)?


Thats the word I was looking for!! :slight_smile:

To see the weights part go to you own post #24, page 3 of this thread. :slight_smile:

Checking on my own posts, however, I see…

“The original image is sized 1024x640”

So I guess all is OK now. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

This is now a major improvement to what you had set up before. :slight_smile:

The next step, as Sweet Pip has posted, is to increase the width of your forum screen.

Have a look at this screen shot to see what I mean.
[B]Look at all the blank wasted space!! >>>[/B]

This is seen using IE7 with windows xp

And this is Firefox 3.6 on Win Vista - everything’s OK here:

It’s definitely a IE problem. I viewed the same page in IE8 and then it says weighs instead of sized.

As usual some non standard quirk in IE.

I agree…I use Firefox on my home computer using XP, and it doesn’t give the file size either, just the dimensions.