its called time circle i dont know exactly if i can use it directly or with another strategy?
[B]any comments?[/B]
Apparently no one here has used it before.
You can use it with any strat you like. Be mindful though, people who say things are powerful tend to be lying. Have a good look at what the indicator is showing you and what it means. Look into how it works, what it does, why it does it and when it does it.
First of all there is no such a thing as a powerful indicator. The fact that you still haven’t use it should tell you that you do not know how this indicator will work for you. Usually one indicator is not enough to make your decision on.
i will try to understand how it work
i put in metatrde i it seems to be good
i will try to use it
so that i wanted people to share ideas about this indicator
any ideas to share?:34:
ok iam studying it