POLL QUESTION: Do you think 2021 will be a better or worse year than 2020?

2021 would be a better year,I mean come on we didn’t see 2020 pandemic coming and we av had a whole year to plan for a better future so far.
So yea,in optimism it’s definitely gonna be GREAT!!!.

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I would like so much to be optimistic, but I think that in these times it is better to be realistic. As for this virus thing, I think that it will be better. But, in economic terms, I think that 2021 is going to be extremely hard year, as many businesses will go bust and many people will be left without a job.

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2020 was great for me personally.

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2021 will surely be better. Stay positive and motivated guys. :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Glad to see everyone maintaining that optimism cause we sure need it!

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A lot of memers will be disappointed if 2021 turns out to be better than 2020!