Post of the Day: General Candlestick Information

[B]Student’s Question:[/B]
As a new trader trying to identify a candlestick pattern I think is confusing because the page in lesson #2 shows them with or with out wicks and certain colors, then when you view a video you talk about the certain pattern but it might have wicks or be a different color.
I’m confused… are there specifics?

[B]Power Course Instructor’s Response:
It definitely can be confusing at the outset…

Most all candles will have wicks but a few will not. Also, depending on the charting package that one uses, the colors of the candles can vary as there is no universal standard on that. Generally, a bullish candle (one that closes at a higher price than it opened) is green and a bearish candle (one that closes at a lower price than it opened) is red.

It will get easier as you progress…