Pre-Open US, Market Analysis

hi Zforex

please don’t keep ignoring Pipsteroid’s questions and mine, in your other threads, about your brokerage

you have asserted that your company is regulated

you’re repeatedly being asked by which regulator (not where it’s incorporated, not from where it has a broker licence but by which regulator it’s regulated)

did you perhaps make a mistake, stating in writing that you’re a regulated brokerage?

if you did, or if you tried to mislead anyone, a good solution now would be simply to say “sorry - my mistake - we’re not actually regulated”

but please don’t imagine that continuing to ignore the totally legitimate questions arising from your claim to be regulated is going to make them go away, not from here and my guess is not in other forums either

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Why are you turning this into such a big deal, @ZforexCM ?

You’re here to represent your broker company (you’ve said so, yourself). You said that you’re a regulated broker. Surely members are entitled to ask which regulator it is?

I see that people here and at ForexFactory are increasingly interested in knowing by who you’re regulated.

Please be kind enough to tell us, so we can find out and stop asking? :slight_smile:

That would also be ok, from my viewpoint.

Surprising, maybe, but at least it would be an answer!

Yes, he has. And I don’t know why he did, if he’s unable to say who the regulator is?

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