Price Action That Matters

[QUOTE=“krugman25;601620”]I ended up going long on the S&P500 pin bar I posted earlier. Today price bumped up into a fairly key resistance around 1825 and is showing some bearish price action so I took profit off the table. I also identified a falling volume as price has been on the rise, with today being extremely low in volume. This is also bearish and couldn’t signal an end the to current bull market. I also follow highly accurate Elliott Wave trader Avi Gilburt who sees a failure to break above the 1820’s resistance this week would most likely lead to to price plunging to the 1550’s region.

<img src=“301 Moved Permanently”/>[/QUOTE]

Hi Aaron,

Hope your well mate! Thats incredibly interesting about the drop in volume creating a slow down in trend, one thing I’d never thought about before. I will look out for this…Also will check out Mr Gilburt.

By the way where’s Willy? I’ve not seen him around for a while and missing his bangerz

In the same way we want to see our rejection candle on higher than normal volume, if you are looking at large price swings you either want average or increasing volume as price rises. This means that the market movers are in there gobbling up up shares/lots, and there is mass behind the movement. When price rises over time and volume keeps falling this is something to be conscious and wary of. This means that are price goes higher, less people are willing to buy into the rally. If you see a very thin volume rally, many times price will collapse very suddenly as the market movers begin short selling at the very high prices. Because volume is so thin, there is not much market behind the move, and it makes the probability of a reversal fairly high. When price does begin its collapse you will generally see a huge spike in volume and increased interest. For once there is a huge long squeeze and stops are being triggered like crazy, secondly the quick collapse will start drawing in more and more short sellers as price continues to fall, so you should have a sustained or increasing volume on the price falling.

From what I have seen elliott wave trading is the only other type of analysis that can compete with the success of price action. Although elliott wave trading can be complex and confusing and very objective. I don’t have any desire to do it, but I follow guys like Avi that have good track records.

I have seen Willy here and there but not recently. I know after the new year many of the die hard babypippers kind of tapered off(including me). That’s ok, the New Year brings new responsibilities and new things to do. I have not once traded intra-day since the new year. I could very well keep that trend if I keep as busy as I have been. Rather I have been incorporating trading the stock market daily/weekly which much better fits my lifestyle right now, not to mention the signals are a little less stressful to take.

Hi Aaron can you talk us a little more about the stock market trading you are doing? Im also interested on this… :slight_smile:

Last time i told that i took 2 trade one [short] eurgbp and another [short] audnzd … eurgbp hit the tp now running audnzd … another trade i took that is usdcad long

Hi Guys I found this on a price action website andI found interesting… I need to know your opinions about what it says…

I dont say this is good idea or bad… just want to know your opnions guys. thanks in advance!

Hi Monjorra,
just wanted to find out why you went long on the usdcad. I see where price intersects at a trend line and a S/R zone; but shouldn’t you wait on a candlestick that signals a continuation? Is that particular candle stick one? On the 4hr chart I’m seeing what looks like a pin bar. Thanks. Just trying to understand how other traders interpret the bars they see.

I must be tired. I’m confusing my directions. Now that I’m really looking at the charts, I DO understand why you are going long. sorry.

Did anyone trade the daily IB’s on silver?

My TP 1 and 2 have been hit.

Inside bars are brilliant to trade on JPY pairs, I try and stay clear of most pin bars as they tend to fail quite often.

Hey guys, sorry there hasn’t been much Forex charts lately. I have a position that has been open for a while and is still open but getting very close to TP. As soon as that closes I will post some analysis. Over in both the stock market and commodities side of the world price has been reaching key levels and setups have been forming in these areas. Pretty exciting for those who watch and trade these markets.

I have been fixed on the longer term markets for a while now and trying get a feel for the market structure and trying to get a feel if there is an edge forming either for the longs or shorts. If the weekly/monthly charts form a pattern and provide an edge, I plan on trading LEAPs, which are long term stock options. While these options are long term 1-2 years, they leverage stock prices 100 to 1 and provide the same type of rediculously high returns you would see in Forex trading. I showed a volume/price divergence over the past couple weeks where you can see volume is really dying down even as price climbs higher and higher. By accident I was checking out the much longer term monthly charts and also noticed a never seen before volume/price divergence that begins all the way back when this bull market began. If you looked at price/volume for any period before 09’ there is no divergence, price remains steady with minor peaks/valleys. The volume that came in last month is 90% lower than the very first month of this bear market. That should be alarming, but most of your average traders don’t pay attention to or understand how price and volume works. The next thing is we have reached(for a 3rd time) the upper trend line. We have already had a 2 bar reversal form off of this line from december/january, and now we can see some consolidation happening this month within this 2BR. The monthly candles work just like the daily/intra day, in that many times, after a reversal signal forms, price will consolidate for a period of time before moving lower. The major trend line on the Dow Jones is currently at 16,250. If I were playing this like a standard Forex 2 Bar Reversal setup, I would consider 16250 as my “retracement entry point”. At that price level we have a very very major trend line resistance here, which helps buffer our entry from our stop which would be placed slightly above the 2BR.

I added in something a little new here. MACD and MACD histogram. I don’t want to get into the dirty details of how it works, but I have been seriously considering adding this to my standard analysis tools. I have studied all of the indicators and only 2 have ever really stood out as potential useful in analysis, one is EMA’s and the other is MACD. As everyone knows, I use EMA’s regularly, but have kept MACD in my hip pocket. Not to mention MACD is based on EMA’s. I have been investigating MACD divergence and have found some interesting results. Essentially MACD and MACD divergence looks at both trending and momentum. The divergence theoretically catches trends that to the naked eye looks to be strong and continuing on a strong path, but the divergence hints to slowing momentum. With rising price on slowing momentum can hint to a potential reversal. Again using the monthly chart, I was able to identified a MACD and MACD histogram divergence leading up to the 08’ market crash. You can see that price had continued moving strong, and even became somewhat parabolic just before it crashed, but in that strong and steady price moving was an underlying slowing in strength and momentum behind the price movement which is showing in the MACD diverence. We have an almost identical divergence yet again, the big question is does this indicator divergence hold water? If the 2 MACD lines turn over each other will that signal the next huge move down? I can’t say for certain because I am not 100% convinced MACD divergence has prediction capabilities, but with the price action, volume/price and MACD divergence, I would say I am getting close to believing a trading edge is forming for the shorts.

That actually looks like a flag that broke out opposite of what you would expect from a flag pattern. There is some strong bullish momentum in gold/silver right now, and the charts have been firing off price action quite frequently.

I am glad you mentioned this, after getting to know pairs very well you will find that in some price action setups fail frequently and in others they have a very high success. Also like you mentioned you will notice that certain formations will have a higher success. I am convinced this is not just coincidence, but fact. Each price action formation has a certain type of psychology behind it, and fits certain charts better than others. This is the same reason why people will build EAs that are super successful for a couple months/years, and then suddenly begin failing. The markets will cycle and what works well and has good success now may have much poorer performance when the underlying psychology of the chart changes.

[QUOTE=“adamjn;602454”]Inside bars are brilliant to trade on JPY pairs, I try and stay clear of most pin bars as they tend to fail quite often. [/QUOTE]

Do you stay clear of pin bars in general or just with JPY pairs?


I am glad you mentioned this, after getting to know pairs very well you will find that in some price action setups fail frequently and in others they have a very high success. Also like you mentioned you will notice that certain formations will have a higher success. I am convinced this is not just coincidence, but fact. Each price action formation has a certain type of psychology behind it, and fits certain charts better than others. This is the same reason why people will build EAs that are super successful for a couple months/years, and then suddenly begin failing. The markets will cycle and what works well and has good success now may have much poorer performance when the underlying psychology of the chart changes.[/QUOTE]

Hey guys sorry my replies have been a bit few lately, I just wanted to say I also found this very, very interesting. I Think I can honestly say I’ve never had a winner on the beast (gbpjpy) trading pin bars on the 4hr and now understand its nickname.

Let me jump in here for adam, I believe he is saying isn’t trading pinbars on the JPY. I want to iterate as a veteran price action trader, pin bars [B]will[/B] be your most successful setup. That have the best success rate and are one of the easiest candles to identify. They are the bread and butter of PA trading. There are some pairs that have better success reversing, and others that have better success as break-outs, which is why I believe he is finding the inside bar a better pattern to trade for the pair.


This was a very high quality setup that introduces a new concept to this thread. That is the concept of repeating price action. In many cases you will have a PA reversal candle form. With each successive formation of that same pattern, it increases the quality and the probability of the trade. In this case when the first pin bar formed we had a good 3.5 start setup form. We had a few downsides such as the overhead minor resistance as well as the pin bar that formed being somewhat smaller than the previous bearish candle. What it had going for it was textbook trend, volume confirmation, and solid trend line & horizontal support levels. The next day we had another pin bar form, this increases the case for going long and the quality of the signal. The next day we had a doji, essentially a neutral candle. I had placed a retracement entry just above the 2 support levels that got trigger on the doji candle. At this point we easily had a 4 start setup. After the doji we had another very nice pin bar form. I didn’t do this myself, but an attentive trader could have added to their position on that 3rd pin bar as the trade was verified once again for the bulls and the quality of the setup increased. I gave it a 4 star because of the overhead resistance was more than just simple noise, and the pin bars were never very large. It is a solid 4 star and an argument could even be made for a 4.5. star.

I also wanted to introduce a new volume idea that can help determine the validity of a setup. The one method we have talked about here is looking for higher volume on the reversal candle. That means the pinbar, engulfing bar, 2 bar reversal should have higher volume. That tells us that there is volume behind the reversal. If there isn’t volume behind the reversal, it may no be a reversal. In this chart I introduce trend volume. Here we are looking at long term volume against it’s long term price trend. If you see a long term trend in play and are worried that if you get long, you may be getting on the train too late and the trend could reverse on you, one of the best ways to find out if a trend is losing steam is by looking at the volume. To get confidence that the trend still has plenty of strength left in it, you want to see steady or increasing volume with increasing price. If you have increasing price and falling volume, this is a tall tale sign that the trend is running out of steam and could be fixing to reverse. The same goes for downtrends, you want to see volume increase as price falls. If price is falling and so is volume, the downtrend may be running out of steam and a trend reversal could be near. This doesn’t mean don’t take a good price action trade, but you may need to treat those trades extra defensively to protect your capital.

You will not find a professional trader that see’s signs of weakness in price and just blindly treats that trade like every other trade. This is why naked trading really doesn’t work in the long run. Trading naked or ‘simple trading’ ignores all of the underlying factors of the market and treats every trade the same. Unfortunately the markets aren’t black and white, true or false, yes or no… you get my point. When the fighter enters the ring, he has already studied and considered his opponents ‘underlying factors’(strengths and weaknesses, tendencies), and will adjust his technique to exploit his opponent based on those underlying factors. It would be ridiculous for a fighter to think he will get through his entire career by using the same punch combination. If this is true for fighters in the ring, it is 10 times more true in the markets. It is “ok” to start with a 1-2-3-a-b-c rule set, “set it and forget it” mentality, but you eventually need to graduate from the elementary grade skills and come into high school and higher learning in the markets. There are times to trade very defensively and risk small. There are times to not set a take profit, play it by ear, and give your trade plenty of leeway. This specific trade is a perfect example where I have very little defense in this trade, I have big risk on it and am playing it very aggressively. I have been seriously considering removing my stop loss and letting the price action/volume tell me when the trend may be coming to an end.

For those who have believe that price action does work but who were told that naked charts are all you need, and have found that naked charts don’t work, I encourage you to stick around this thread and stop by frequently. Here we take a look at not only price itself, but the many other dynamics of the market such as trending, momentum and volume. I have a quite a few techniques in my hip pocket that I am going to be slowly introducing to the thread here over the next few months. They will fit perfectly on the foundation that I have been laying over the last 3 months.

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This is fascinating stuff Aaron, thanks again for adding more tools to our tool boxes. I missed this set up on the charts but will know what to look out for in the future. Keep these gems coming!


This one instantly jumped out at me and caught my eye. We have a very high quality evening star that formed off of horizontal and trend line resistance. The pair is currently in a text book downtrend so this gets us in line with that momentum. Large and well defined morning/evening star patterns on the daily chart are pretty rare. This setup is worth an analysis and serious consideration. These types of PA setups can be treated just like other reversal candle where entries can be made on retracements of the pattern, or wait for a break.

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On UJ and EJ (never trade GJ), a pin bar will usually trigger, then fail the next few candles, when continue down just below where your stop would be and IB’s form.

I trade pin bars on most pairs when I see them at the right level.

There is quite a lot of reversal setups this week, and last, which can fake people out, as usually at a inverse head and shoulders, on the breakout a bearish signal forms and fakes people out as they short, for example, gold this week, UJ, AU, EU, GU.

UK Oil is in the process of what i think is a reversal, and bearish PA is showing.

Hey peeps,

Rising wedges on both EURJPY and CHFJPY (very correlated)

See D1 and H4.

