Price Action That Matters

Don’t let this drag you down or even bother you :slight_smile: we need you :wink:

Give the rating thing a try. Over at Johno’s thread I saw people arguing about A+, or A+++ which is kind of silly. An A+ or not implies there are only 2 kinds of trades. I can tell a lot of traders struggled with that concept. Rightly so because every trade is completely unique from any other. Being able to rate a trade based on a number of different levels gets your mind focusing on the fact that every trade is dynamic and different. If it meets the requirements you know its tradable, you just have to decide how much risk is in this trade, and how big your potential reward will be. Most traders rate their trades mentally and they may not ever realize it. It is really just a summation of the pros and cons you put on your trades.

There is a massive support level right at around 0.90760 that you don’t have marked.

Thanks again Aaron

For me one of the most important things if I see a decent PA is risk to reward, I know on other threads this isnt taken into consideration but personally I like to see a decent reward for my risk. Tonight I feel the EURAUD and the AUDJPY offer great reward for risk. I give the EURAUD a 4 star rating and the AUDJPY a 3 star as it is possibly against the trend…what do you think?

[QUOTE=“Mr B A Barracus;551240”]Thanks again Aaron

For me one of the most important things if I see a decent PA is risk to reward, I know on other threads this isnt taken into consideration but personally I like to see a decent reward for my risk. Tonight I feel the EURAUD and the AUDJPY offer great reward for risk. I give the EURAUD a 4 star rating and the AUDJPY a 3 star as it is possibly against the trend…what do you think?[/QUOTE]

I should also mention that I’m using half my usual lots on AUDJPY as its against trend but is great risk to reward.

That’s what I’m talking about BA, nice analysis. The pin bar is right on top of the S/R level. While this failed to close within the previous candle , it is still a valid hammer. I will give it 3 stars on the basis that the volume has remained high while moving lower which may indicate further selling pressure.

I didn’t catch the timeframe or setup for the AUDJPY but in a quick glance I don’t see anything worth taking long or short.

AUDJPY has a nice BEEB on the H12 chart, but this one is very counter-trading for my taste…my favorite at this moment is the CADCHF Daily, the pinbar is massive and it goes with the trend, but there is a minor support close to it, and I don’t like the traffic in the left…


Don’t let this drag you down or even bother you :slight_smile: we need you ;)[/QUOTE]

I think you handled it perfectly. I also reported the trolls. pipzilla currently has the thread locked.


That’s what I’m talking about BA, nice analysis. The pin bar is right on top of the S/R level. While this failed to close within the previous candle , it is still a valid hammer. I will give it 3 stars on the basis that the volume has remained high while moving lower which may indicate further selling pressure.

I didn’t catch the timeframe or setup for the AUDJPY but in a quick glance I don’t see anything worth taking long or short.[/QUOTE]

Thanks again Aaron for all of the help here. I don’t know why people have tried to derail your other thread, personally I want to learn as much as possible from anyone who is generous enough to give there learnings here whether they have six months or six years experience. Keep up the great work!


I appreciate the kind posts. As long as there is demand for high quality price action information, I will be here to provide it.

It didn’t take me by surprise too much. I have spent a lot of time reading through other trading threads and those 2 guys are notorious for attacking the thread starts. As soon as I saw both of them in their I knew what they were doing. The difference is the other thread starters let it continue on for pages after pages, but I wasn’t going to let it run on. As a child of the internet generation, I have seen my fair share of trolls. It takes a lot more than that to move me, haha.

I had a big head start as I entered into the world of Forex with over 10 years of trading and studying price patterns and S/R levels over at the NYSE. If anything, trading stock options were much more difficult and complex than anything I’ve seen in the Forex world.

I appreciate that. If I had gone down to their level and started exchanging insults I wouldn’t have been any better than them. I immediately reported it when I saw it going from the realm of questioning to insulting, I am glad that it was locked down for moderation. I hope it can get cleaned up a bit and back helping people learn price action again.

Hey guys, I don’t really post much in the forums, I usually sit in the background and watch, but I think it may be time to make a post.

After checking my charts, I noticed a few setups, 2 of them follow.


I am going to go for a 50% retrace entry on this pair.


>Rejecting 8 and 21 day EMA’s
>With current trend
>Closes within previous candle
>PA sticks well out from all other candles


>Trading into the top of the range, thats why I want to get a retrace entry to decrease my risk.



>With upward trend line
>At horizontal support
>Fully engulfs previous candle
>Closed above 8 and 21 day EMA’s
>With trend


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I’m surprised to find out how you are under attack in one day straight, Krugman. I’m a jester myself, but I know there is line that I do not cross when it comes to being critical. Heck, there is one thing to being critical of new stuffs, and there is another thing when you are being overly skeptical that you become [B]so close-minded and act holier-than-thou with in-your-face attitude[/B]. If you guys ever read the ‘Price Action’ thread by one the two trolls, you will easily see that they really are up to no good.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to reading more of your Newbie Island thread once it’s re-opened for our donati… err… ‘[U]education[/U]’. :smiley:

Like I’ve said before, Krugman. You have a different paradigm than the other thread. You have minimalist approach while the other has purist approach. Let me get geeky a little bit. In Physics, that’s like solving a problem using Newtonian method vs Lagrangian method, they are not essentially built upon each other as they have a completely different way of thinking and philosophical background, but they both do generate the correct result once you plug it to solve a mechanical problem. Even when we use the analogy in math, your way of thinking will be very different if you approach the problem using algebra, geometry, or even calculus. Of course they are related to some degree, but that does not change the fact that you tackle the same problem differently.

There are so many things too different in this thread compared to the other thread, that I think it’s a bit out of stretch to say that you simply ‘build on top of what we already know’. I like to think that here what we actually learn is the way K interprets Price Action, and it’s different than the other Master or guru or salesman interprets Price Action. The fundamental is of course the same ol’ Price Action, but I just cannot accept the claim that you simply ‘build on top of what we already know’, and I’ve read J course inside out from the beginning till the end at both public area and member area to back up my opinion.

But to be very honest here? I don’t even give a crap whether your Price Action is merely ‘built upon the previous thread’ or ‘completely built upon different paradigm’. What I know for sure is that your Price Action interpretation works well if you can identify best of the best setup, and that is something as a practical man myself I have no problem to incorporate in my personal strategy. [B]It doesn’t matter whether it’s a white cat or a black cat; a cat that catches mice [U]is a good cat[/U].[/B]

I know who J is but who is K that you are referring to? The reason I point out that you don’t have to get rid of anything is because there isn’t any setup that you could post on Johno’s thread that wouldn’t also apply here. I can scroll through his million pages of his posts, find all of the setups posted there and I don’t think I would find one over there that would be outside of the guidelines here. That tells me what I am teaching here completely encompasses what he is teaching. Which isn’t hard because he teaches a very small and concise corner of price action where as I not only cover that little conside chunk of PA, but a ton of other stuff too. So I still am not convinced anything learned and applied over there doesn’t apply here.
I want to make sure people don’t think “aww crap I just spent the last year over at one of these other websites and now I have to throw it all away and start again if I want to come here to learn from this thread”. The difference is the amount of tools and analysis that occurs is much smaller and some of the rules are different. If I am wrong in everything I am saying, then I will stand corrected but being one of those guys that has learned from the Nial and Johnathons I don’t feel anything I learned doesn’t fit somewhere in what we are talking about here.

People be hatin’ =) I have seen those cats around before harassing other threads so I wasn’t surprised, But people here are hungry for price action, so belly up to the buffet!

Hey Krugman interesting thread.

Now obviously in the fairness of disclosure some folks will know that I help Johnathon out on here at Babypips but also contribute to the private forum on his member’s site. So clearly I believe in the style of trading that he is advocating.

Having said that there are things I find on this thread interesting and as I stated before there are a couple of wrinkles I have added to my trading that fall outside of the FSO guidelines as well. So kudos to you for starting your own thread that presents Price Action as you trade it. I can definitely see some elements of Nial Fuller, Johno and shoot I can even see a little Hector de Ville in your approach plus of course your own take on how price action works.

But if I could make one tiny suggestion, it seems like every 3rd post on this thread you make here you have to make some veiled dig at Jonathan or ‘that other thread’ or ‘price action salesmen.’ Dude if I was you I would just let it go and concentrate on what [I]you[/I] have to offer. Don’t worry about what other folks are up to, I happen to think both threads can run complimentary to each other but I must admit, (and having made the disclosure above) I do find it disappointing that you seem to be constantly referencing his PA thread, and mostly not in a good way.

Believe it or not I am a supporter and thought the crap pulled on you in the other thread was pretty disgraceful so I hope that gets cleaned up and it can continue to grow as healthily as this thread is.

All the best and safe trading!


[B]K[/B] is for [B]krugman25[/B], or [B]Krugman[/B] to be short. Who are you, and what have you done to the real Krugman??? :18:

I’m licking my lips like a hungry wolf if I know a method works and it fits my personal strategy. :smiley:

How long will it take until we have the Newbie Island re-opened? I’m hoping that babypips doesn’t close it… forever. :frowning:

Hey Bryce!

I try to make sure I respond to peoples comments and questions about what’s discussed here vs other threads/teachers. It unfortunately can turn into unintended digs. I am going to try and think of a more professional way to respond to those questions.

I am guilty of starting a few digs myself though. Although I am not against any specific person, I am against the sales model behind it and the conflict of interest that comes with it. Any time that I have stated “price action salesman”, I am talking about the dozen or more PA teachers that fall into that category. That’s not a dig, I think it accurately labels many of them. I will try and make sure to not dig on people just for the sake of it, but I will certainly continue answering questions regarding the comparisons of what is taught here vs. other teachers . I appreciate the comments and I really will do my best to keep it out of the day to day conversation here.

I appreciate the kind words you have about the thread! I was thinking of getting information out here at a casual pace but this thing hit the ground with wheels spinning, so I have been doing overtime to make sure everyone stays up to speed. There is still a ton to cover though, and I appreciate everyone’s patience while it comes out. Today has been a weird and crazy day considering what went on over at Newbie Island so lets get back to talking price action.

I e-mail baby pips about cleaning up the thread. I am guessing it will be locked down until someone have get a chance to sift through all of the posts and clean up those that were outside the scope of the thread. I also hope it is up soon.