Price Action That Matters

[QUOTE=“jpw0100;555052”]What do yall think of the EUR/CAD? Its in an uptrend but has approached an area of major resistance over the past few years on my daily chart. Could be a reason to go against the trend here?? A nice pin bar is forming on the 4hr. I will wait to the close of the bar to see what happens. Im very new, would love to get opinions on this to help me in my thought processes. Thanks[/QUOTE]

i would say absolutely don’t short the eurcad. For one price has all but cleared that area and now has some support under it. The other reason is given the huge bullish movement, any CT movements would likely be short lived. I would avoiding shorting that unless you get a huge daily or weekly candle. The much less risky move is wait for price to pull back to daily support for a long or a low TF pullback to a minor SR for a long.

[QUOTE=“krugman25;555059”] i would say absolutely don’t short the eurcad. For one price has all but cleared that area and now has some support under it. The other reason is given the huge bullish movement, any CT movements would likely be short lived. I would avoiding shorting that unless you get a huge daily or weekly candle. The much less risky move is wait for price to pull back to daily support for a long or a low TF pullback to a minor SR for a long.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the input

EURJPY 8h Pinbar


  • with trend,
  • good size,
  • good level,
  • RR 1:1,
  • no minor resistances ahead,


  • could be bigger,

Another Con is that the swing-low is not well formed, it’s barely one bearish candle that makes it. Another con is that previous candle is very strong bearish, but that may have to do with some news…

unfortunately i made a 23 pip loss on tht trade despite a 3/5 rating pinbar. oh well…

Nice trading :slight_smile:

i wouldn’t have taken this one because I prefer to see the wick pass the S/R but I am glad it worked out for you

I entered this trade earlier from my phone but I am posting it here and in my journal now

NZDUSD 4h pinbar

I entered at the retracement @ 0.8375 with my FTA 0.8470 if it works this will be a sweet RR

I am not sure if I can shoot for the top as TP so if you have any insights let me know :smiley:


It is a valid setup in my book although it didn’t happen at a swing high I would take it if the price retraces a bit for a better RR

I don’t take RR < 2 when the Time Frame is < 1 Day but that’s just me

[QUOTE=“EternalNewB;555108”]I entered this trade earlier from my phone but I am posting it here and in my journal now

NZDUSD 4h pinbar

I entered at the retracement @ 0.8375 with my FTA 0.8470 if it works this will be a sweet RR

I am not sure if I can shoot for the top as TP so if you have any insights let me know :smiley:

<img src=“301 Moved Permanently”/>


Hi Eternal

I’m also in this now, I set a buy stop and wanted to wait to see what the New Zealand trade balance did to it, it triggered my buy stop but seems to be struggling now.

Fingers crossed for us both



Nice trading :slight_smile:

i wouldn’t have taken this one because I prefer to see the wick pass the S/R but I am glad it worked out for you[/QUOTE]

Thanks Eternal! I would have preferred to see the wick pierce the S/R too but I liked the size of it and felt that it would be correcting itself from yesterdays big move.



Wanted to share the two trades I’m going to take.


  1. Looking to go long.
  2. With trend.
  3. Price broke the near term resistance line at 1.67700, altho it didn’t close above the round number at 1.68000.


  1. Looking to go short.
  2. Against trend.
  3. Price closed below the support line at 0.96700.


Hey Richard,

I am also taking AUD/USD. Just wanted to check your entry and targets ?




My targets are the green lines.


Just a few days ago, Krugman had ‘severe disagreement’ with those questioning his credibility and stuffs, also at his own thread that escalated rather quickly, and so he openly decided that trolling question is no longer tolerated. So according to your standard, Krugman also ‘has some sort of persecution complex’.

The only post I removed later at J’s thread at the end is because that post is about my complain to buster48’s rude and offensive post at the very end and it’s of course not related to PA learning at all.

Krugman, feel free to remove this post later once you deal with buster48’s trolling post as this is also not related to PA learning at all. You guys can see it yourself here the fresh example of the kind of trolling I had to endure from buster48 at the previous thread. If what I do here is called ‘some sort of persecution complex’ from ‘a not-so normal sane person’, then I am more than delighted to do it again if that ensures we keep the trolls away.

I appreciate your help, cams. Can you post your list of all 10 - 12 NY Close chart directly here? Most of the times, they are showing standard NY Close charts if we know how to deal with their little problems such as: daylight saving, 6-day candle instead of 5-day candle, inconsistencies with Ask chart vs Bid chart as default chart, not enough data to scroll back, incomplete list, etc.

Even I myself am tired with all this argument of which NY Close chart is the best, and I’d rather list the chart here and discuss how to deal with their problem while we’re at it.

I hope it works out for you, keep us updated on the trade.

I do feel the need to say that retracement entries tend to take longer to go in your favor. Since you are essentially getting in when the market is going against you it can take a while for price to turn around, all the while hovering precariously close to your stop loss. Retracement entries are riskier and sometimes a little harder to handle psychologically. But if the trader has disciplined himself to only trade the best setups, the retracement entry can be almost as successful as the break entry, but with significantly better RR.

I did read through the postings that went on over at Johnathon’s thread and made a mental note of all of it. I am sure whatever steps Johnathon took were justified as to me it looked like things were getting way out of hand. Most people may not know this but I was banned from Johnathon’s thread when I first joined babypips, and he unbanned me and let me back. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. I haven’t seen anything get out of hand on here yet, and I am not going to ban someone because they got out of hand in someone elses thread. Like I said I will give the benefit of the doubt but if that fighting gets drug into this thread, I will make sure it stops. We have been going strong with price action here for a couple weeks now, and I am not going to let some personal vendetta’s derail this thread.

Again I haven’t seen anything here that has gotten out of hand. I really don’t want to have to get after or ban people, so whatever the problem is lets just drop it and move on with the learning. If it must be continued then do it in private and out of other peoples threads.

Thanks =)

I’m interested in this one. Krugman, this may be an out-of-stretch request, but can you post the example of the best setups that fits your 5-star standard? And I mean, trades for trend trade, counter-trend trade, and ranging trade that you will definitely give 5-star rating yourself? Thanks.

Since you yourself said it, Krugman. I always value any good suggestion from my own Christian brother. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. I’ll be the first to initiate the peace pipe agreement. :slight_smile:

This is an open request to buster48. I know we start off on the wrong foot on the previous thread and also at this thread. But [B]let bygone be bygone[/B], and once again we return to our initial motivation to let this PA thread becomes one stop shop for everything we all need to know about Price Action. In fact, I will swallow my pride and I will say that I apologize for any possible stuffs that I have said previously that may tick you off in the wrong way, whether I do it intentionally or not. Shake hands?