Pricing Lemons In A Sweet Tea World

Investors have no tolerance for risk (lemons). Unless a deal is sweet tea they won’t come to the table. As stated in our weekly of August 29th, “There is no easy out for creditors or debtors in our outlook. A difficult workout remains ahead. Capital markets continue to search for a new risk/reward tradeoff.” In 2001, George Akerlof et al. won a Nobel Prize in Economics for their description on how the interaction between quality heterogeneity and asymmetric information can lead to the disappearance of a market where guarantees are indefinite. In this model, as quality is indistinguishable beforehand by the buyer (due to the asymmetry of information), incentives exist for the seller to pass off low-quality goods (lemons) as higher-quality ones (sweet tea). The buyer, however, takes this incentive into consideration, and takes the quality of the goods to be uncertain. Only the average quality of the goods will be considered, with the side effect that goods that are above average quality will be driven from the market. This mechanism is repeated until a no-trade equilibrium is reached. As a consequence of the mechanism described in Akerlof’s paper, markets may fail to exist altogether in situations involving quality uncertainty.

[I]E. Silvia, Ph.D. Chief Economist, Wachovia[/I]

[B]Weekly Bank Research Center 09-15-08[/B]

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[B][B][B][B][B] US Budget and Treasury Financing Outlook: Not a Pretty Picture, but Manageable [/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]

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[I] Stephen Roach, Head Economist, Morgan Stanley [/I]

The US budget deficit is headed higher – even before considering the impact of  the GSE rescue plan. In F2008, which comes to an end this month, we estimate  that the deficit will be US$420 billion (or 2.9% of GDP). This is up from US$162  billion in F2007. The big swing factors over the past year were the fiscal  stimulus package and macroeconomic factors which led to a slowdown in tax  collections from individuals and corporations. Also, defense spending rose at a  more rapid pace than in prior years. The outlook for the budget deficit over the  next couple of years seems even more uncertain than usual due to a deteriorating  US economy and looming political changes. Moreover, a new potential swing factor  emerged over the weekend. The GSE rescue plan is almost certain to contribute to  a larger near-term budget deficit. However, while the extent of the impact is  uncertain, we suspect that it will be smaller than seems to be currently assumed  by many market participants. In particular, we believe that there is a great  deal of confusion surrounding one particular aspect of the plan – the US$200  billion of potential preferred stock purchases. We have come across some media  reports that leave the impression that these funds have already been committed  or soon will be. In fact, we see a relatively low probability that any purchases  will occur in the near term, and even over the longer run, the amounts involved  are likely to be relatively modest. This reflects the fact that the purchases  are only triggered if the value of the enterprises’ assets falls below that of  their liabilities using GAAP.  The CBO recently estimated that the GSEs had  combined GAAP-based net worth of US$55 billion. Thus, even if mortgage defaults  continue to rise, it will take some time to work through this capital base.  

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[B] Inflation Decreasing in Euroland [/B]

[/B] [/B] [/B] <em> Niels-Henrik Bjørn Sørensen, Senior Analyst, Danske Bank

                                                                                                                                                                        The past week has been relatively quiet, with only a few new numbers for the  Euroland economy. Most importantly, industrial production fell by "just" 0.3%  m/m due to a relatively strong figure for France (increase of 1.2% m/m). The  coming week will also be rather quiet. Final inflation figures for August are  due on Tuesday, and we expect these to confirm the preliminary estimate of 3.8%  y/y. Figures for core inflation will be released at the same time. So far core  inflation has been contained around 1.7% y/y, and we expect it to remain so this  time around. Over the next six months, though, we expect core inflation to climb  gradually in response to the earlier increases in commodity prices, including  oil.                                                                                                

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[B] Pricing Lemons In A Sweet Tea World [/B]

[/B] [/B] [/B] [I] E. Silvia, Ph.D. Chief Economist, Wachovia[/I]

                                                                                                                                                                        Investors have no tolerance for risk (lemons). Unless a deal is sweet tea they  won’t come to the table. As stated in our weekly of August 29th, “There is no  easy out for creditors or debtors in our outlook. A difficult workout remains  ahead. Capital markets continue to search for a new risk/reward tradeoff.” In  2001, George Akerlof et al. won a Nobel Prize in Economics for their description  on how the interaction between quality heterogeneity and asymmetric information  can lead to the disappearance of a market where guarantees are indefinite. In  this model, as quality is indistinguishable beforehand by the buyer (due to the  asymmetry of information), incentives exist for the seller to pass off low- quality goods (lemons) as higher-quality ones (sweet tea). The buyer, however,  takes this incentive into consideration, and takes the quality of the goods to  be uncertain. Only the average quality of the goods will be considered, with the  side effect that goods that are above average quality will be driven from the  market. This mechanism is repeated until a no-trade equilibrium is reached. As a  consequence of the mechanism described in Akerlof’s paper, markets may fail to  exist altogether in situations involving quality uncertainty.                                                                                                   

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[B][B][B][B][B] Trade Tides Very Slowly Shifting [/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]

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[I] Steve Chan, Economist, TD Bank Financial Group [/I]

Nonetheless, there were some economic data of note. International trade  positions were reported to have weakened in the month of July for both Canada  and the U.S. Canada’s trade surplus shrank more than expected, to $4.9 billion  from $5.6 billion in June. Behind the shrinking surplus were export values that  climbed by 2.2% (0.7% in volume) while imports surged by 4.6% (3.2% in volume). After declining for 3 out of the previous 4 months, the increase in export  volumes is welcome. Furthermore, export values were not propped up by crude oil  prices as in months prior, but stemmed mainly from machinery & equipment (+6.6%),  industrial goods & materials (+5.0%) led by shipments of nickel and fertilizers.  On the import side, Canadians’ increased purchasing power abroad and appetite  for imported vehicles was evident as automotive product imports climbed 9.5%.                                                                    

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[B][B][B][B][B] Are Economic Growth Forecasts Any Use? [/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]

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[I] Trevor Williams, Chief Economist at Lloyds TSB Financial Markets [/I]

There is a lot of attention being placed on economic growth forecasts at  present, not surprisingly since growth is slowing sharply and policy makers,  companies and individuals want an idea of what is going to happen next so that  they can plan ahead. We have looked at forecasts of economic growth in the UK,  US and Germany (as a proxy for the Eurozone) for the last decade. The results  show that great care should be taken in using, and interpreting, economic growth  forecasts. For instance, it is shown that the consensus forecast, which is  judged more accurate than the individual forecasts that make it up, is rarely,  if ever, actually spot on. In fact, for the period 1999 to 2007 (we estimate  2008), for the three countries assessed in this analysis, the consensus did not accurately predict the actual outcome once. Charts a to c show that forecasters  were close some of the time but tended to be wrong all of the time. For the UK,  see chart a, forecasters tended to consistently underestimate actual gdp growth  (i.e. they are pessimistic), with the outturn being more often above the  forecast line than not. For the US, the opposite was true, forecasters tended to  keep overestimating growth (i.e. they are optimistic). Germany was a mixture of  the US and the UK. This is not to say that individual forecasts were not correct  (we did not look at them all), but the same forecaster rarely gets it right  consistently, otherwise everyone would tend to follow that forecaster and the  consensus estimate would improve. So, if, as our analysis shows, this is not the  value of gdp forecasts, what is? That seems to be in getting the direction of  the change in economic growth right and, by implication, the analysis of the  reasons for this.  

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