Problem people face in trading

Known everything about forex
Study it first before you invest
The margin line
The candle stick
Know when to trade and not to trade

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we have met many traders who have deep knowledge but still unprofitable in the long run, making money and keeping that money we made are two different skills…that is why we have people who made millions of Dollars a year, yet still die broke…the question is sometimes, what you do with what you have is more important than getting more than what you already have…coz what’s the point of making more, if in the end you lose everything, right?


U are right my brother

That’s a great comment I must say. And I agree with you 100%. Earning money is a skill but retaining it requires capital management. If you say that I have earned a lot and lets quickly double it by investing it entirely all over again. That sounds bizarre to me.

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Most traders face problems in the trading because they don’t have proper knowledge about the forex market. You should learn all the basics of forex before entering into the market.

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Very true. People often consider that earning money is a kind of addiction but another addiction is the obsession to spend money recklessly. Earning is a skill and so is retaining. Not everyone who earns gets to keep their share.

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Getting income from our trades is easy but we have to understand that we will need to get consistent income from the Forex trading business and this will not be easy at all.

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It is very important to have some skills and knowledge about the market and forex trading before starting with it. Most people fail because of a lack of knowledge.