Pure Price Action For Dummies

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forex price action

Hi NikitaFX,

Iā€™ve been reading your tread and trying out your commies rule.
However, i recall that you mentioned once that even though we should strictly stick to the commie rule, however,we should be flexible.
So does it mean that even though the daily bias is showing a buy, but thereā€™s no setup for buy but good setup for sell, we would still go for a sell?
Besides, is it just me or recently the commies rule is not abit out of sync? (i believe most probably its just me :p)


No in the beginning stick to her commie rule. The only time I would suggest differently are if the higher time frames are showing other wise. Something such as yesterday was a sell but the daily candle was a pin bar on a support level. In this case the higher time frame is suggesting the trend might be retracing or reversing at which point I would suddest sitting on the sideline untill you have confirmation on what price wants to do. I will trade that but I will not recommend for a newb starting out as it will tend to be a high risk trade and just not worth it in the begging stages. Once you have some experience then you can trade it if you wish just cut risk to a minimum.

Stick to the commie rule and get a good understanding of that concept first. Look closely for the BPC pattern. I like to see pin bars form within this pattern for me it gives me a higher probability.


To add to bobā€™s comments, pull up the daily AUD/USD and NZD/USD charts. Take a look at the daily candles and how price moved since August 23. Pretty strong down trend, right? Can you see the opportunity to bag 30 or more pips on a few of those days just by following the commies rule?

IMO, the hardest part of trading NikitaFXā€™s commies rule is sitting on your hands waiting for good set-ups. But when it does there is more then enough opportunity to add some profit to your account balance.

This is a nice simple straightforward common sense trading method, take your time to learn it and try not to make it more complicated than it needs to be. ;)[B][/B]

I will add one more thing here. It is not you. There will be times where the pair will go into a tight range on the higher timeframes. Where this happens either find another pair or stay out. That is why in my last post I say and will repeat watch the higher timeframes religiously. The lower time frames will not tell you much other than an entry. An entry means nothing if you have no trade. So when you see higher timeframes hitting Support and resistance levels things can get choppy. There is nothing you can do about that. And when it does this system is very hard to trade. It is by no means a perfect system. That is why I can not stress enough when higher timeframes hit S/R levels stay out till the pairs decides what it wants to do and the dust settles. Then its back to business as usual.

I like this system as it teaches how to take the concepts learned in the school and apply them in real time. It works as long as you work it and not over complicate it as Dpip stated

Sorry if Nikita said before or it has been confirmed but I saw a post from Nikita a while ago about possibly having to leave the thread for a bit because she was thinking about/being accepted to some big trading desk.

Did this go ahead?

I read something like that also, but as I understood Nikita didnā€™t abandon this thread totally?

Thanks Bobmaninc and d-pip for the reply!
Alright then, i shall stick to the commie rule and not try to jump the gun!

Happy pipping! :slight_smile:

Would be cool if you guys shared daily results + do u leverage high trades based on this method?

Konan, No one didnā€™t ask about daily results regards on this system till date (IMK). Just look on a daily chart of any pair. You can see this system works very well. But Now a days Majors stuck in a range. Look any cross or exotic pairs. It works very well.

My buddy Salim always comes to rescue! :slight_smile:

The thread will be alive as long as there are those who are trying to learn and use this method of trading I guess.

But sharing wise, I dont think there is anything for me to add to it.

Its all there.

Retail price is the entry price of a trade that had cost us money.

Wholesale prices is the entry price that made us a nice profit! :smiley:

Wholesale prices are putting in an order right at that redline based on previous history. We can see very extreme prices on previous pinbar or pullback wicks on the higher TFs. D TF and above.

Ever had a trade that went on a negative and just kept on going south without even a chance to cut it off at BE or a lower loss? Well those were the times that we had accidentally got on the wrong side of the wholesale price.

Wholesale and retail is just another term, just like oversold and overbought or support and resistance.

Well for me its more of the whole picture, and not too much into where the prices closed. I see a BPC pattern and the higher time frame supports directional bias than I take the first pullback candle or I put in a pending at yesterdays bounce area.

Monitor each and every D TF candle. Often you can see where the price retraced to before it takes of in yesterdays direction. That price level will match very closely with previous candles around that area. A previous high acts as support etc.

There will be one or two trading days a week per pair where you can read it like a crystal ball. Those are our trading days. Every other day is spent on reading how other people are trading.

The whole concept of trading with bias is so that a trader can have maximum number of winning trades over a given period of time. Something very important if we are to make it in this game.

Also to take away the stress of trying to figure out if its going to be a buy or a sell. Decide on the direction before looking at the lower TFs allowed me to form a trade plan in my head. Than I just have to wait for that trade plan to play out.

Often it plays out exactly as how I thought it would because of bias.

Going back to selling when the higher TF made a higher high on the previous days trading is now wrecking the entire concept of this system.

If you have a different system that defines a contra trade with an acceptable SL and risk management, than by all means yes go ahead.

But changing a clearly spelt out trading system is one of the classic mistake newbies make. They start complicating things.

And thats when it all gets messed up.

Agree 100%.

The hardest part of this method is waiting. Unless one adopts a very strict approach to trading it, we will find ourselves jumping the gun and making assumptions and loosing money.

No it didnt happen. Though I am in the middle of spending more time in Singapore. Once I am more settled I shall be active here once again.

In the mean time Ill pop in now and than.

So you based in Singapore now?
Me too from Singapore! :smiley:

Not a single trade this week, I was thinking to enter but lack of time unable to do it, but I am hoping to get some good setup next week.
Have a nice weekend all.

Maybe we arrange for regular meet ups in Singapore sometime in the future. One or two times a fortnight, some coffee and beer.

A place where everyone can come with their laptops and charts and throw around ideas and maybe get some help.