Pure Price Action For Dummies

I honestly think this statement should be put as a sticky at the very top of newbie island. Sometimes there is a difference between simple sentences and [I]deceptively[/I] simple sentences. This is as close to a grail you will ever come. Fact!

To understand that sentence you have to ask yourself these questions: ā€œWhat is a key level?ā€ ā€œWhat is flow?ā€.

Agree with that and Iā€™m sure that everyone else does know this.
But how many in here are successful in implementing that rule ? We know itā€™s simple but we still lose and when you review your journal, you realise that you bought at high or sold at low and we tend to commit that mistake again and again.

Trading this method is really simple. But itā€™s all about the mindset.

Few of my mistakes were :

-> Buy High and Sell Low (This was the main mistake i did commit many times and is actually a disaster to the account).

-> Watching the chart Tick by Tick ( Made me close the trade in loss and later watch it go in my favour few hundred pips).

-> Entering the trade before actually candle is closed.

-> Reacting to the sudden spike moves.

I still find myself committing the same mistakes often. Unless we control our emotionā€™s, itā€™s really hard to sustain in this business or should i say in any of the business out there.

Am i the only here who see the market being a choppy one and correlations and bias out of whack? :frowning:

I see cant find any setups these days either, but Iā€™m not the best :stuck_out_tongue:

Choppy with a capital chop :slight_smile:

EU and GU charts form today look like one of those paintings people pay massive amounts of money for!

AU moved down quite cleanly though.

Bear in mind the week thatā€™s in it.

BOE meeting tonight which could create some liquidity tomorrow in Cable. A couple of decent chances to scalp Fiber and Cable today. Couple of 15 pip scalps is not a bad day when things are quiet like this. Even with it being a holiday week, I was expecting more action too.

Iā€™m not trading this week at all. Just observe the chartā€™s . With the thanksgiving week, i doubt if weā€™d really get some good trades.

No trade for me as well, there was entry on GU at 10 GMT but missed it, waiting for next one.

Is anyone knows where is Nikita ?

The last she was on here she said she had been busy with personal stuff. I hope all is going well for her

I wish all the best for anything she is doing, I hope she will be back to the forum very soon.

I think Niki is trying to kick her own trading up to the next level, tuning out all distractions, including internet fora while she goes through something of a trading burn phase. So hopefully a triumphant return is in her not too dim and distant future.

and whereā€™s Yunny? I miss him too.

Heā€™s certainly around on the site at the moment, I just think that this particular thread has perhaps lost its focus without Niki at the helm.

I always get confused with this. When we are stalking only few setups per week and stare at the screens for just a while. Arenā€™t we supposed to have much free time unless we are into any job or something ?

True but to get to those points in oneā€™s career they must study practice and study more. What even she is doing hope she is having a great time doing it.

How ever we should try to keep this going. If I day traded I would post some trades on this system

I just have no clue why i still lose
why i still take a counter trend trade ?
why i still let the trades slid away ?
why i still canā€™t stick to few trades a week ?
why i do search for more trading strategies everyday ?


How many times am i supposed to tell myself that if yesterday is a buy then today is a buyā€¦

Hell to this emotionsā€¦

There are a lot of reasons why counter-trend trading can be seductive. This is one of my favorite threads on BP, and I understand that the purpose is to follow the methods that Nikita gave in the first few posts, but when you start thinking about S/R, previous day, week, month levels, Fibonacci levels, Elliot waves, various patterns we look for, etc, it is understandable to say ā€˜well if Nikitaā€™s methodology works, Iā€™m just going to fine tune it to make is as good as it can be.ā€™

What you could do is have a separate column in your log for ā€œmethodology.ā€ You could track the overall methodology in Excel, and after you have a population of trades, you can sort based on the methodology to see which ones work best for you. You could also trade larger lot sizes when using Nikitaā€™s methods, and smaller when using other methods.

Hi Pipstages I think you are following all the method and strategies in same time, honestly speaking you donā€™t need any other strategies than this one.

First try not to trade for a week and observe the market with this method or you can try on demo with minimum lot.

Most important is look for no trade day, like Monday and Friday, most of the time this two days is very hard with price action because everyone is busy with profit taking.

If you can then please re-read the thread again,
you will see the method is very powerful and very easy.