Pure Price Action For Dummies

These type of market conditions does really test our patience. One who waits for the right setup makes money and one who keep’s on pulling the trigger keeps on contributing the money to the market.

Remember this: “When you are doing nothing, those speculators who feel they must trade day in and day out, are laying the foundation for your next venture. You will reap benefits from their mistakes” - Jesse Livermore.

Hello Nikita. Considering support and resistance levels. Even EU was at support level. So, may I know what made you choose GU ? Any other confluences apart form the key levels ?

DTF on GU much more clearer compared to EU. I hate doji candles. It might go either way.

Not to forget, jessie himself lost his fortunes twice, and ended up committing suicide.

Hi Nikita,
I see a slightly different S&R level as you. I see mine at around 1.5477.
As for the directional bias, since yesterday was a sell, wondering why you took a long instead?

Like I said, it was just a blind trade based on S&R levels.

Very messy

Range is awful…

Though he lost his fortunes, Suicide was the saddest part…

Hey Folks, Just stopped in to see whats going on, and goodness, GU looked nice today… Never looked at this pair, but, Ummmmmmm, lol…

OK, carry on and great pips to all!!

Entry was late by few pips…
Red dotted like is the SL.

Im just glad EU moved out of the messy range. Breakout today, looking for pullback tomorrow.

hi Nikita!

I just want to raise a question. Shouldn’t we have to think through what was going on EG? wasn’t it a pullback on daily? and what’s next after a pullback? sorry I just need a guide like you here.

Nikita do you ever draw trendlines on your charts?

Have you read the technical template crew threads?

Nice entry :slight_smile: I’ll wait for a pullback before to go long

Hi, Im new here just want to know what are safest offshore broker that I can use?

Im still trying to study the price movements in my technical analysis?

Hi, I’m a newbie to the thread but been lurking for a few months now. Went through babypips school where I started. I was lost in a world of indicators confusion when I finally started trading and was only when I discovered this thread that I began to see trading in a different light. I have incorporated nikita’s method into my trading for awhile now and have discovered decent success as compared to when I first started. I cannot thank nikita and bobman enough for starting this thread where I have picked up most of my Ahaa! moments in forex.

Hi Mumuy your chart looks really colourful.