Pure Price Action For Dummies

Here is the result of last weeks trading live Pure Price Action.

Week of Sep 11 to Sep 16.

Total 3 Trade following the rules

2 winners 1 loser

1st trade: 26 pips
2nd trade: - 14 pips. Hit my SL then went to my TP. lesson learned never put too tight SL.
3rd trade: 30 pips

[B]Total: 42 pips and very happy :)[/B]

If i can hit 50 pips every week that can do amazing things using compounding


You’re right Niki! But after trading for sometime, you figure out the fact that ‘Resistance becomes Support/Support becomes Resistance’ is pretty much price behavior in a nutshell!

may the force be with you and the pips collected keep increasing.

Hey thanks FX280, I’ll try that.

may the force be with us :smiley:

yaniu, you need to right click and “view image” then you will get the true url of the pic

EU H1.

I think it has potential to go up some more but then again what is in your account is 1 pip more than what is outside.

The yellow line that it touched was the HL or Support for H4 last week.

Had another running on GU and that was a much better trade.

Done for the day I think.

Happy Pipping.

just want to comment on the difference of candle form and time.

this is my EU 1H, GMT +3
the previous candles were all the same though…

all candles look the same accept for the one on the gap. Looks like your brokers servers fired up a little later than mine.

Hello Niki and guys/gals

Here is my trade today +50, any coments will be welcome :wink:



Thanks Niki for this thread and your tips, thats helping me a lot, less trades and more acurate… you rock :57:

To bad I am at work and we dont have flash player here at work so I cant see charts. Just looking at that chart make me drool. Now I am hungry for some pips. Unfortunately I will have to wait for the Asian session :frowning:

i took that trade too. my signal was the bear candle after the doji. a bit late to OP and early to close but it was a cool trade.

yo what’s up bob, sir?! where’ve you been? rarely see you around here

Or find a job that you can do at night. It will seem worth it when the pips roll in and you can quit in a year!

I took the same trade, nice neat pips to start the week with. I took shorts on EUR/USD and GBP/USD, both off the 0800 (London) bar - a Long on USD/CHF would also have worked out, from memory, but I didn’t take the setup as I had the other two.


Long time no see Bobmaninc. How is Bobmaninc Junior doing??

Hope all is well with you.

Drop over once in a while.


This is another very simple trendline that works all the time.

The price should have hit a resistance area for a sell to commence after a strong up, or hit a support area for a buy to start after a strong down move.

Note also how waiting patiently for entry will ensure we get a very good price. Wait for pull back or a good price memory area.

Somewhere in this thread I had posted the same set up for EU. Before EU started its 1000 pip fall.

Works like a charm. This is again something that wont come up often. Maybe one or two trades a month.

Jr is doing good just got over a cold sucks when a new born gets sick. I have been around just have not had much to add lately but I have been fallowing along. Nice to see the thread still alive. Happy piping to all

Hello Niki and guys/gals

My yesterday trade was -21 pips, and today was +70

Yeah that was deffently a good call. Yes yesterday was a buy but a little common sense can go a long way. Price was clearly hitting resistance on a strong downward trend line. Days like that you have to take market bias for what it is or just sit on the sidelines. Now I would say that if price would have broke that trendline I would have sat on the sidelines to see what price would do today but it didnt so it was pretty safe to say price was going south and you hit it about right on that one hour from what I can tell you waited for price to move below that consolidation area on the 1hr. I would have waited for a little more confermation but thats still pretty text book. Good job

nice one, uncle ben!!!

i too trade that reversal :smiley: not as many pips but enough to survive the day

Nicely done Benito.

I missed it cause I was out.

What a trader with a life how could it be lol