Pure Price Action For Dummies

i’m in sudan. country under US’ sanction. many things in the net are not available because of this stupid sanction.

hahahah this is another psychological barrier of online guide. there is still some doubt left. ok let’s do it. buy and sell according to yesterday candle

edit… ok i take a look at the chart, and i see the reason and the logic behind this rule. most of the time the current candle follows the previous candle. yes at times the current candle differ from the previous candle but much less thus we can still make profit. also at times there are still some retracement from which we might be able to get some profit?
right? is that correct?

this is one cool rule!!! :60:

Im done for the day. Just sell.

Hope you guys are having fun.

Did sell. Did win. Am happy!

candle patterns on H1 TF today are not that clear but the sell signal from D TF was strong.

I hope it helps.

There are those who are questioning why yesterday was not a buy and why was it a sell.

I talked about news trading briefly in post 135 or 138 before.

I am going to keep this short because I dont want to add more to this thread at this stage.

News goes on in two ways, either in the way of bias, or against bias.

UCHF was a move with Bias. So price will not recover to the area before news.

EU GU And AU were movements against Bias, which was already a sell on Thursday and Friday. So Friday evening the speculators moved in to push the price up, creating an anomaly in the market movement. So Monday the price will start adjusting itself to the original level. Only difference is it was a violent one on Monday.

This is different from last months news at end of the month. It was a buy bias and speculators moved the market up. And it kept going up from there on.

I hope this helps why it was not a buy on Monday based on Fridays candle.

Hi Nikita,
Do you recommend to have specific time for daily candle open and close?

For example my broker opens and close daily candles at mid night EST (NY Midnight). Do i need to use other time if trading your method ? GMT or when Asian markets open and close?


You need to have big stop loss with this system though. nice input anyways.

FX280, I had raised this candle times in a different thread once before.

Some advised that the real candle times are US sessions close.

Mine closes and opens at 8 am GMT +8.

I always thought that D TF candle opening and closing was the same for everyone. But apparently its not.

Your candle shapes will be influenced by the opening and closing times of your candle.


please define small SL. I for one often see SL in the range of 100 to 150 pips.

Most of my SL if I decide on having one is less then 50 pips. That is as small as it gets, unless u are scalping.

But most importantly, my drawdowns are nearly nill.

i just (again) realize another thing about this system, the rules and guidance from nikitafx. but with another realization comes another question
now i understand a bit about opening in HH and LL, also the suggestion to open once the price cross the opening. i’ve been trading with the system for several days now trying to put the system in practice, patching here and there
i usually start my trade like the end of sydney session. my daily candle starts together with sydney’s opening. so when i start trading usually the daily candle has started and formed. this is a good opportunity actually if the price is retracing so i can OP in HH or LL. however my full concentration and trades actually start on London and NYC sessions. by this time, either the movement has been slowing or i comes late. at times when i OP during the opening of NYC i have to wait until sydney opens and runs to get my TP or SL hit.
any suggestion about the situation?


edit… ok i got it. doesn’t matter which session i enter if the next day will be the similar candle in a same trend. in fact it is good because in a sense it’s like i’m buying HH or LL. yeah it might take a little more time, but as long as the result is the same… who cares?

thanx again

Risk the same % amount per trade and only increase lot size, but still risking the same %?

thanks for your time, patience and assistance


I stopped watching the market for Yen intervention and it happens.

Hope there were some who caught the upwards free money!

just curious about the SL.
i too has dare not to use SL and so far… well… so far so good. the other times i put SL, they’re always hit. or i would cut early only to see the price reverse. there are times when actually price didn’t reverse though.
so now that i think i got almost all the basic covered, i still don’t have the gut to not put a SL. so… you said here 50 pips, is it fix? always 50 pips? when and why?

Was told it was SNB intervening… Got caught by surprise, but made some pips off it. :slight_smile:

yes. you might want to reduce risk as your account grows and the value per pip increases.

but then its either a valid entry or not.

ur risk on your account stays the same.

you dont risk more to make more.

That is one of the things a trading plan should do for you.

hi niki, great strategy and im finally registered here. btw, r u still in ym ?

hahahah I knew it had to be you Calvin.

Yes I am still on YM, I am in Cameron Highlands at the moment and not using my normal lap top.

Will be back online tomorrow evening for NFP.

See you then.

hi niki… great… see u tomorrow. seems interesting that the Yen intervention upwards movement is gg down south again…

Hey Niki,

So it was some Yen intervention that made that HUUUUUGE rally up!
I came home from class and checked it out an I almost flipped!

Luckily though while checking EUR/JPY I noticed it went up to the Daily Swing Low level an stalled, an on the 4 hour chart found some cool rejection candles and SOLD!!

If you draw a horizontal line at the 113.55 level on the Daily chart you can see its at the last Swing Low, and then check EUR/JPY 4 Hour and you can see 2 rejection/bearish candles.
Just another example of price action working its magic :cool:
Risky but paid off nevertheless!

Still working on the image posting, how many posts til I can post in this thread, WHERE I REALLY WANT TO?!?!

Tomorrow NFP so gotta be careful on that too eheh!

Good Trading everyone :57:

Thanks again Nikitafx!

Are there any particular correlations that you favor over others? and which pairs are the most strongly correlated that you follow?

Glad to see this thread still going. I have been out for a little bit. Having my baby and decided to move aswell. Bigger house better neighborhood with better for far less money. No brainer here. But I finally got internet back up after missing all of last week and most of the week before. Glad to be back live. I see last week was inresting to say the least. and this week is off to a rocky start after getting my butt kicked in the market all morning while at work plus I got a cold to top it off. But came home took a nice nap fliped up the charts a wham there was a sell on the aussie took it and made back all my losses and then some. Missed my 3% target today but not by much better luck tomorrow or tonight depending on how this eur/usd candle looks in the next 10 minutes to finish the 10 est hour. This is a great thread. I love the advice you gave to someone a few pages back on if you had a 1000 dollar account take 100 of it and risk 20% because at the end of the day that was 2% of a thousand dollar account but tells you to go back to demo while you are still ahead simply put awesome advise. Well I am off of here I just wanted to say that nikita you did a great job on this thread. The info on here is just great. So have a good night not looking like I will be making anymore trades unless this eur candle starts dropping hard in the next few minutes my trade is invalid and I will be off to bed. No money risked is no money lost and I will live to fight another day.

Happy piping :slight_smile: