Pure Price Action For Dummies

Only two things

nice call price seems to have bounced off the figure. Dont look like it hit it and might later but showing signs of rejection. Looks like it might hold.

Retail report will be out tonight for the Aussie.
Data seems like will favor the aussie. We might get better price to short if that happens.
Any idea how much influence this type of news can have on this pair?

P.S I am not short yet. Just cause of the time of the day

I didnt figure you were short especially since rollover was about due (at least with my broker) you would be on the wrong side of the rollover. Price also did not hit 1.03. As far as retail data honestly if it comes out as expected it generally has no effect. If we get a surprise then it can move the market but dont hold your breath on it. Over the couple years I have been trading the Aussie I have seen it make a difference but usually short lived if anything. The rate announcement should have caused something and we all know how that worked out for me lol. Maybe this time I am wrong and this is the move I need to kick some life into my trade. Either way I accepted my risk and will let the market take me out. For all the news releases this week my poor market sure has not moved much. Must be one hell of a NFP report coming out.

Senior members of the thread please help here.
I got a good entry here.
Sold the pair/faded the move up into my sell zone.
I had 50 pip profit on this trade which turned into 20pips as you can see. I was just about 10 short of my 60 pip target which was also a support line from 4hr chart.

Now, did I miss to read the changing bias? Was the bias changing to bullish here again?
Just need to know If I did ok with trade management.
Any advice will be appreciated.
Thank you and happy July 4th

from my point of viewā€¦bias is up look at the 4 hour chartā€¦
you actually went against the trend on your trade and did very well.
bias has not changed since before your trade ā€¦it was up then and it is up now.

but when you took your trade ā€¦it was debatable wether the bias had changed or maybe some thougth it was an extended retracementā€¦it was a matter of judgementā€¦
but it is on the way upā€¦note my analysis done on 4 hour chart.
but well done on the pipsā€¦that is what matters.

the above is just my opinion ā€¦i am far from being an expertā€¦

everything may change tomorrow when ind day is over so stay on your toes.

Good job on the entry.

This is forex. We can plan, the market will decide. :smiley:

I went in AU also yesterday. I was lucky I got out at around minus 5.

I went in GU today. I got out with 80 pips.

I was divided between GU and AU when I wanted to enter today. I just went for GU for no particular reason.

So as I said, Money management and SL is the most important.

Than is your entry method and entry point.

The rest, dont worry, it will be profitable in the long run.

I was about to short the GU but my SL was more than 30 pips, so I did not open a position. I donā€™t feel comfortable with big SL.

Thank you for your replies friends.
You guys are always helpful.
Now gotta wait for the next trade.

EU and GU fell a lot and got back to their previous levels from last week. Maybe the news helped again for these drops.
However, AU seems to be holding its ground.

and its really starting to piss me off. After being stopped earlier this week I got back short last night. Just to see I have not missed much. I was not expecting a big mover just slow and steady but this is retarded. What makes it worse no matter what I have thrown at my computer it just sits there lol.

So Aussie isnā€™t going ā€œDown Underā€ after allā€¦ lol
Makes me want to turn to bullish on this nowā€¦ We may have room upwards before a solid short opportunity shows up.

I dont know. We are still on a strong resistance on the daily and price seems unwilling to hold above the 1.03 fig. Remember daily candles take a full day to form so 3 days (or candles) of price stalling is not unheard of. Just frustrating we all want to hit that million dollar mark as soon as we enter but its all about timing and lately my timing has been a little off.

We had some US unemployment news today and then we have it again tomorrow.
Is this how it always have been?
Isnā€™t the first Friday the NFP day every month?
What am I missing here?

Seems to be that way. Unemployment data can give you a good indication of what to expect from NFP

So seems like $ will rally again tomorrow. So all AU, EU and GU should be selling tomorrow.
We gotta find an area where to sell it tomorrow.

Man you catch on quick. But never think just because Unemployment dropped that NFP will go up. A drop in unemployment could just mean some people are no longer eligible. But it can be used as a good indicator. Also remember with NFP things get shacky. We dont go up as high as expected and USdollar goes down even with good news. Always proceed with caution

I agree Bob.
Like I said earlier, I donā€™t yet feel comfortable trading around news specially this one.
I will just be watching the market how it reacts to NFP.

Bob, what do you think about thisā€¦ since elections are near, I think NFP will come out positive for rest of the year.

I am still waiting on my crystal ball but you could be on to something. Obama did say he was going to create jobs and we have yet to really see any. People tend to have short term memory so a quick jump in employment and he will be a hero.