Pure Price Action For Dummies

I agree! Staying out as well.
Have a good weekend everyone!

This is what I meant that sometimes I don’t execute on time or just think too much/second thoughts on my analysis.
I wanted to buy the Euro at 1.2165(yesterday’s low) and then I thought that the next round number is only 15 pips away. I’ll wait for the price to touch that which was 1.2150
and price shoots up for around 90 pips in no time from 1.2165
This is how I miss entries sometimes.

So, I guess the question is [U][I]when and when not[/I][/U] to give importance to round numbers?

whew what a come back looks like I will end my week in the green after all. AU just broke 1.0215 and all I needed to break even was 1.02. Close call this week.

Congrats Bob.
By the way what happened to shorting the Aussie to extinction?

Dont worry we are still going to short the Aussie into extinction. Desperate times call for desperate measures lol. Tune in next week folks as I continue my quest to take over the little island out in the Pacific.

hahaha… hey watch it… I love Australia(for unknown reasons)

You can still visit it will just be called The Land of bobmaninc. The new currency will be Galactic Credits :smiley:

@Bobmaninc and Amanfx

Would you mind explaining your decisions to go long on AU?

Was it bias or some other consideration, I can only see the bias as being for a shorts.

Excellent thread, i relay enjoyed the first page, im still in demo so my words dont count much, still have increased my profits after trying to “in” the simple principle.

Heh lost a a hundred pips with it today on 10 minutes tho absolutely my fault.
Came home from work noticed the EUUSD big jump up, did a trendline with no time to think about it and LOL. A good learning experience.

I cant speak for Aman but I went long for a few reasons. Bias for the week has been pushing up. The news realised yesterday dropped the AU very hard against bias. I dont trade news but will trade against knee jerk reactions to the news after the dust settles. Now for the charts. That strong down move happened to form a hammer at the 128% fib of the previous swing. I noted on the chart that this was also a support level. I waited for the 50% retracemnt of the hammer wick and got it. Thats where I entered. As always I was a little late. I missed my ideal entry by 10 pips. Still well within risk parameters.


Today, if you were following Nikitafx’s original simple and excellent method posted on the early pages of this thread [B]you would have been only looking for shorts on EU, AU and GU.[/B]

IMO new traders should try to stick with and master the simple original method, then slowly move on to some of the more advanced stuff discussed later on the thread.

If you follow and trade the simple method from the early pages you’ll have some losing trades but over the long run you’ll find that it’s a simple common sense and profitable trading method. :wink:

Bob, the method you explained is that one of ICT’s? I see OTE marked on your fibs.

Slipp3ry, I just saw demand coming in around 1.0100, also I had S&R around there. Moreover Aussie had fallen over 140 pips by that time which is a little more then its daily range. So I figured Aussie will go up now.
Moreover, my entry gave me a SL of around 7 pips.

7 pips man I like your style. I know someone who has done that before :stuck_out_tongue:

That 128% fib was 2 different things that is explained on his thread. It was a stop run on the weekly low. Which is not just on his thread but common practice. I have found the 128 level works well for judgeing a stop run and when it will end. It is also a turtle soup pattern. I follow ICT’s teachings alot this year and basically ICT took a profitable trader wound him up pumped him full of steroids and turned him lose on the Aussies. I did not mention that here because as Dpip said it is not part of this thread and I dont want to derail this thread to far.

Now as for yesterday was a buy today is a buy as Dpip asked. I followed that exactly. If you notice the indicator at the bottom. That is a session indicator it tells me the open and close of sessions. I did not enter this trade today. I entered it about london close yesterday. I will post the daily exactly how my chart was (less the fibs for clarity). You will notice on my previous post the red arrow on my entry. I left it up as I walked away for a while. You will now notice on the daily yesterday (from my entry not today) was a buy and I went long pretty much at the low of the day. See one thing you do not want to do imo is go long if price is above yesterdays close (in a buy day). You want price to move down to buy not up. You sell at the top and buy at the bottom. I am not saying you can not make a profit buying if price is above the yesterdays close but most candle will retrace back into the previous days range. Thats where I look to enter. Now if you get entries above yesterdays close in late NY sessions take them but expect price to drop a little the next day. I think this is why a lot of people get stopped out. Always remember daily candle have wicks. This is where you want to enter preferably (it will not be a wick at the time but keep that in the back of your mind).

Here is my chart to show where I entered on the daily

See Bob, I also entered around the same time when you entered in the AU yesterday. I did have an early entry as I stated with a 7 pip stop loss. However, I closed the trade before NY closed. Price also reversed around the round number 50 so I just closed the trade.
I was thinking that either price will go back down back towards my entry point on Friday and I can enter again or it will keep shooting up and I won’t have a trade in Aussie on Friday.
I am learning as to which trades I should let roll into the next day and which trades I should just take profit the same day.

@Amanfx, bobmaninc and d-pip

Thanks for taking the time to reply guys, interesting stuff!

I missed the entry on AU,always like your explanation bob.

No problem man. Always ask and I will tell. Its just when I post trades I leave alot behind. I dont mean to but it takes someone asking the question for me to give the answer. Like the first post in my thread. I am not a teacher or anything I am a trader. So you ask I will tell.

Long AU;

May i know on what basis u entered the trade ? I don’t see any confirmation or such in your chart ?

It appears he entered off of the base of the Bull Candle. I am also curious as well. Looks to be a good trade nonetheless.