Question about position sizing when taking a short position

Is that what this means ?

You will note the lack of commas in that sentence.

If it meant what you have taken it to mean, there would have been !

[Edit - before any response - Oh and the “I” and the “Was” would have been reversed in order.]

What makes you think it was an attempt at humour ?

All my attitudes are completely “in check”.

On the other hand, you and your personality disorder are something else, altogether.

You have succeeded in disrupting this thread – like so many other threads on this forum – with your misinformation and your childish complaining.

Do us all a favor. Say goodbye to Babypips, and go bother some other forum.


mate, what we are discucssing here was SINGLEHANDEDLY created by you

i merely repsonded to a post
you came out with rudeness
you are being disruptive , not me

why don’t you just understand that
why don’t you also tell me why i was wrong
and then just stop doing all this arguing

you’ll notice then, that the fight will stop (that’s because you are causing it)

Why would i do you a favour? that’s stupid.
you’ve been nothing but rude

Now… i will say this
if you had not been, i would have happilly complied

but No mate
you don’t get to be rude , then get to tell someone to leave
you are the one that should be leaving , if anyone is going to leave

I’m sure you were upset, as any of us would have been.

The problem (for other members here) is that what you did over that issue, was wrongly assume that because that because that was one person’s experience on one occasion, it’s necessarily and universally going to be true for all traders under all circumstances, too, and it isn’t. That’s just wrong.

Unfortunately, you also did exactly the same thing when responding to the member who asked about demo accounts, when you wrongly told him that a demo account will expire in two weeks, “no matter what” (your exact words). This was totally wrong, as many members who have a lot more experience than you promptly pointed out. But you continued to insist that you were right, and kept on posting at huge length, mistakenly insisting that you were right and everyone else was wrong.

In both these instances were simply misinforming people by generalising one individual circumstance to the whole world.

You’ve also done exactly the same thing over a range of other incidents and misinformation.

Unfortunately, your habit is to extrapolate your own experience on a single occasion to all other members in all other circumstances, and often this is just wrong.

The reason it’s such a problem is that when people with a lot more experience than you point out that it’s wrong, and that what happened to you isn’t typical, and that there are many other possibilities as well, and that what you’ve described in absolute terms (“no matter what”!) rather than simply acknowledging your mistake, you continue to post at great length defending your position. That’s what causes the arguments.

A very large number of us keep on asking you to STOP doing this, but unfortunately you just ignore us.

Everyone knows that you mean well, and are posting because you want to try to help beginning traders and new members. Nobody’s complaining about your motivation at all.

What we’re all complaining about is the reality that the words “Ok, sorry - thanks: I didn’t know that” seem to be missing from your vocabulary over and over and over again.

Please try to learn something from this, Martin, so that we can all move forward together in this community without these endelss arguments, and in a more amicable spirit of cooperation, and without misinforming people who ask questions.

Thanks in advance for understanding.


charlie, i appreciate you putting in the time to work this out… ok
that being said
i will also try to make this as short as possible

but regarding this comment
i’m sorry i have to disagree
You guys keep sticking to this story that i said 2 weeks
i didn’t say that
i said 1 Month
i would never say 2 weeks

and also (i can’t remember if i actually said NO MATTER WHAT) i doubt it, but maybe… i don’t know
but. if i did say that
it’s because that’s what I BELIEVED TO BE TRUE because i have only had the experience of demos’ ALWAYS EXPIRING after 30 days

Now. what i remember from that post was that people over reacted in a big way.
i mean… why was it a big deal to just say “hey martin not all demo’s expire in 30 days”

simple as that
since that post i have learned that OBVIOUSLY not all demo’s expire in 30 days. some are permanent
since that post i have also had people say to me i’m wrong, Demo’s don’t expire in 30 days.
Now… that is nothing short of stupid because if i have already stated that I HAVE DEMOS THAT HAVE ALWAYS EXPIRED AFTER 30 DAYS it means IT’S POSSIBLE and it’s common because lots of other people have that as well

so… even though i can concede to the fact that i didn’t know that demos could be permanent
why can’t the other people understand THIS WAS MY EXPERIENCE

in my opinion
None of us here need to argue
We just need to discuss and clarify

RE that demo thing
my point was they expire after 30 days
you guys claim i told a newbie it expires after 2 weeks NO MATTER WHAT


  1. i didn’t say 2 weeks (i’ve never had a demo expire after 2 weeks for hte record)
    i think the 2 week thing came from someone saying it incorrectly and then you probably latched onto that
    but… it’s not true

so i would chalk that accusation on me as a MISUNDERSTANDING
and a misunderstanding that can be worked out… simple…

Moving forward
re this

You guys keep saying this

i do not assume that what is true for me is UNIVERSALLY TRUE FOR ALL… No, not at all

but, in saying that
of course i will give my persona experience, as everyone does

it was you guys that turned it from

  • Me saying what my experience was
  • you guys assuming that I MEANT IT WAS A UNIVERSAL TRUTH
    that was words being put in my mouth so to speak

and i’m not pissed about it, for the record
but… obviously it has caused all this problems


of course when i respond to a newbie (as i do most of the time)
i will give my own input
and then others will give theirs
then the newbie decides who they want to believe

now. you commonly refer to ACCURACY OF INFORMATION on the site
and i agree with that mentality … fair enough

but mate, if i state my experience it is an accurate opinion of what i have experienced
it may not be ACCURATE FACT because it is possible to learn something incorrectly
so… I’m doing my best to ensure accuracy
but if i learned something wrong, then that’s that
and i’m sure i’m not the only one to put up a post of their experience and that the information in the post is not TECHNICALLY CORRECT AS PER INSTITUTIONAL STANDARDS

but all that aside mate
i still do trade profitably and want to help newbies who want to listen

but clint was rude, Plain and simple
even if was wrong and i still don’t see how i am because no one has explained it
we should respect each other , not piss each other off
don’t you agree ?



  2. i do not apologize for what i have said to people who have been rude to me initially… No
    but i do apologize for any argument that was caused by me as a result of a misunderstanding

  3. I do respect the experience of you institutional traders. just like i am an expert in I.T. and i am an engineer and i know what that means to have that level of knowledge,
    Now i won’t tolerate rudeness…
    but rudeness of no rudeness i still respect the experience and knowledge that you guys have

  4. when you guys point out something i’m doing wrong
    you said this

No mate
and i think this is the root of the problem
and i think we can easily resolve this… ok

this is text , not words, so … Confusing is going to occur
Please genuinely understand me on this… ok
I am acknowledging there is a possibility that i am wrong when you guys say i am
take this… trade thing where i said something like When you buy a pair,
you are buying Base and Selling the other pair

Now… on one hand, i can’t see how i’m wrong, based on what i was taught and bassed on how simple a topic it is.
on the other hand you guys are saying i’m wrong… OK, I ACCEPT THAT
I accept that IT’S POSSIBLE that i am because you’re saying it

but, no one has yet told me the explanation to why i am wrong
and… it’s not arrogance on my part (Even though i understand how you may see it that way)
it’s just me asking PLEASE EXPLAIN BECAUSE I DON’T UNDERSTAND… simple as that.

so. IF THIS IS WHAT CAUSES THE ARGUMENTS (most of them anyway)
maybe you guys needs to UNDERSTAND MY INTENTIONS

My intention is not to be argumentative or disruptive

Even though i am succesful at trading , I PRIDE MYSELF (even in I.T.) on knowing the finer details in things
and i would pride myself on knowing the finer details in trading… ok

i think arrogance it stupid personally and that’s why i won’t be arrogant


I’M SORRY MATE if there was a miusnderstanding
these worlds are not striken from my vcab not at all

but i have found most times… HONESTLY that if i asked one of you guys, You don’t respond

now… this response you have given me to clarify I GENUINELY THANK YOU FOR THIS and for your patience because i know long posts piss you off.

becuase it gives me the opportunity to fix things
and i’m prepared to fix them

so ok… I’ll be more attentive to this and i’ll say that more often… NO PROBLEM, that’s easy.

i want to move forward with the community

i want to be cool with you guys… No question about it.
from the beginning (and let me be honest since we are talking like this… ok)
i felt a lot of hate and a lot of cold shoulder and i just chalked it up to… that’s who you guys are and i should just put up with it
take what happened with bob for example
look what happened, i had to stop talking to him because there was no way that i could calm things down with him.
and i have not responded to him in a month or so
and he still hasn’t drop things
i don’t like flagging him every time he responds to my post, but it’s the only way to keep the peace isn’t it

after bob there was you , there was falstaff there was a few others
viper seemed to be cool (i had no problem with viper)
and basically i just tried to work with you guys

i found that i could work with falstaff and yourself and occassionaly there was crap to be put up with and i put up with it because at least we had a dialogue going

but again. what clint did was BS
i don’t care what his experience is… that was just rubbish

i wouldn’t do something like that to him
so maybe someone needs to talk to clint as well

i’m willing to patch things up
but clint was just being silly and clearly he was just out to insult someone as opposed to actually rectify something.

so moving on…

definitely i want to co operatre




  • YOU TRY AND GIVE ME MORE POSTS LIKE THIS that provide explanations if you think i’m doing something wrong
    and don’t be afraid to tell me
    and i will listen… ok

  • PLEASE DON’T ASSUME THINGS ABOUT ME - i think this is where most of the arguments came from

i think if we start there we might be ok
what do you say ?

be cool
thank you for this post ok

have a nice day mate

1 Like

@anon81929759 my attitude towards you has changed somewhat since you appear to have been unable to answer my last post in this thread.

It now seems that you can sometimes find it quite difficult to actually understand what people are trying to say to you.

My understanding of what they are trying to say is exemplified in this response this morning on a different thread

Wherein you did actually write ;

Can you understand that what you actually wrote there is stated as fact, but in actuallity, contains so much of your own opinion presented as though it was factual, that is simply inviting others to object that “You are wrong” - and likely to do so in a way which you may interpret as “rudeness”.

The post following yours in that thread, is by me and in fact does disagree fundamentally with your opinion, but note how I have written it. Facts are facts, opinion and unproven evidence are Not “Facts”

Can you see the difference ? If so then please try to adapt your postings. If not - then I can feel quite sad for you, but I am not here to spoonfeed “English language lessons” and I have no doubt your posts will continue to be challenged.

Nobody here is “Picking on you” by the way, you are not a “Victim” and on many forums you would have been annihilated by now.


ok. but it is A FACT that woman are more emotional and men are more logical
any doctor or psychologist can confirm that

it is also a fact that not every woman is dominated completely by emotions
some woman handle logic better than other woman

so… why was this incorrect what i wrote here
i don’t think it’s me mate
I think you are not taking what i’m saying with a grain of salt
i think you are looking too deeply into it

i mean THE OP asked has anyone trade with a partner
it’s as simple as that

and i gave my experiences

and you disagreed
You can’t disagree, because… THESE ARE MY EXPERIENCES

now. if an argument comes from that… that’s silly
because i’m stating
and My personal experience
the experieces of others that i’ve observed

but why does this need to be challenged to such a large degree ?
it was a simple answer, why does it have to go beyond anything other than THIS IS MY RESPONSE


Yes, i can now see what you are referring to
but i think you are going too deep into it as well

i mean, we are not in a court of law so as that i have to watch every word that i say.
this is a forum where one is allowed to give input and give opinion and state WHAT THEY BELIEVE to be fact

there are some facts here
there are some opinions
and it should be taken as such

you guys should not be fuming over these responses
nor am i trying to make you mad when i’m writing them

it was just a response , like any other
Just like if you ask me , do i like the new “Pitch Perfect 2” Movie
and i say something like … Rebel wilson has lost weight and the movie was ok

then you debate
she has not lost weight
and the movie wasn’t OK

well… hehe
Who gives two craps if she has or hasn’t
i’m just giving my opinion
and i’m giving my input as to what i thought

so … this is the same thing
I’m giving my input based on my experiences

i can see your point, but i think the arguments are caused as a result of … maybe

  • you think i’m intentionally trying to be an idiot
  • i don’t know… you think my answers are not 100% correct or soemthing like that

I don’t know mate
What do you want me to do ?
From my point of view… I’m just answering questions simply
and (i’m not taking this offensively ) but… Fact is… you guys are pouncing on the smallest little detail

so… what do you suggest


Reading a Quote
When a currency is quoted, it is done in relation to another currency, so that the value of one is reflected through the value of another. Therefore, if you are trying to determine the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar (USD) and the Japanese yen (JPY), the forex quote would look like this:

USD/JPY = 119.50

This is referred to as a currency pair. The currency to the left of the slash is the base currency, while the currency on the right is called the quote or counter currency. The base currency (in this case, the U.S. dollar) is always equal to one unit (in this case, US$1), and the quoted currency (in this case, the Japanese yen) is what that one base unit is equivalent to in the other currency. The quote means that US$1 = 119.50 Japanese yen. In other words, US$1 can buy 119.50 Japanese yen. The forex quote includes the currency abbreviations for the currencies in question.


Similar to Forex, CFDs are quoted with a bid and an ask price. So the CFD for the S&P500 might be quoted as follows:

S&P 500 826.75 / 827.25

The first number in the series represents the bid price, the cost of selling the S&P 500 CFD, or going ‘short’ on the underlying index. If a trader believes the S&P 500 index will decline, a trader should sell the CFD.

The second number represents the ask price, the cost of buying the S&P 500 CFD, or going ‘long’ on the underlying index. If a trader believes the S&P 500 index will rise, a trader should buy the CFD.

The difference between the ask price and the bid price is called the spread.

What is a tick?

A tick is the smallest price increment in a futures or CFD price. Often referred to as a “pip” in the currency markets. Using the example above, if the CFD quote for the S&P 500 moved from 826.25 to 826.26, it will have moved one tick.

Since index and commodity CFDs traded with ICM are quoted in USD, a one tick move in the S&P 500 CFD is equivalent to a move of one cent.

M_K I posted at 4:24 pm my time and you responded at 4:34 pm my time - Clearly you are a quick typist.

I couldn’t even have read and understood my post, followed the link and read the two relevant posts in that time - much the less coming to a considered opinion.

We have all made a number of suggestions.

As i said, I cannot make you understand the nuances of the English Language.

The only advce I can give is

"Say what you mean and mean what you say… "

No “grains of sand”, “Pinches of salt” or hehe’s.



i know all this
and this is why i cannot understand why charlie believes what i said to be incorrect.

this is what i learned some 7 years ago from babypips.
Exactly right.

FOREX Spread bet for Meeeeeee. Tax Freeeeeee…:alien:

maybe cfd’s when when i get more money INDEXES are through cfd;s though… Tut tut…

Respectfully, you’re not JUST giving your opinion, Martin.

You’re habitually, repeatedly, giving your opinion AS IF IT WERE OBJECTIVE FACT THAT NECESSARILY APPLIES UNIVERSALLY, too … and when people point out that that really isn’t so, and that your experience often doesn’t happen or doesn’t apply, or is unusual, and that there are other possibilities too, you then habitually, repeatedly proceed to defend your opinion as if it were factual, saying effectively “I’m telling the truth about my experience”.

When people point out that you’re mistaken, we’re not disputing what your own experience was.

We believe you.

We know you’re not a liar.

But VERY OFTEN you’re giving people bad advice on the basis of a single, isolated incident, and there are many people here with much more experience than you who know that it’s bad advice because you’ve extrapolated from one uncharacteristic, isolated incident and come to a mistaken, unwarranted, general conclusion on the basis of it.

You don’t distinguish in your posts between fact and opinion.

And I think you don’t in your own mind, either. Maybe you think you do, but that’s not how it looks to everyone else. And there are a lot of us, all telling you the same thing.

And when other people who know a lot more than you point out that the conclusion you’ve unwisely drawn from your one single isolated experience is (pretty often!) factually incorrect, you then take it personally and obviously feel challenged and threatened by it.

What you’ve repeatedly been telling new members here about brokers and regulators is total nonsense, and it’s damaging and dangerous advice. I know that you had one incident yourself in which the regulator didn’t help you at all, but that doesn’t change the FACT (and it really IS a “fact”) that you’re giving people damaging and dangerous advice on the basis of one incident, on one occasion, with one person.

It’s bad, and it’s wrong, and you need to stop doing it.



i am quick typist, it comes with the territory of working in I.T. :stuck_out_tongue:
if you do it long enough, whether you like it or not, you become quick at typing.

but also . do me a favour

Try to take things with a grain of salt and not look too deeply into it

i mean… there is a time and place for depth
so… if we are analysing charts… ok… go as deep as you like

if it’s a general question… don’t go deep
sometimes i like to much around and joke around a bit when answering questions so as to lighten the mood.
at these times, it’s not advised to go deep and pick on every word , because im’ just talking generally

so… ok
let’s see how it goes then shall we

thank you again for understanding and sorry about the long posts that took to get to this point.

ok, charlie
now, you pointed out to me what I’M DOING in a past post
now let me point out to you what you’re doing

see this…

I said
"I’m just giving my opinion"
You Said
"You’re not"


Can you see how what you’re doing is incorrect
Point being… IF I’M TELLING YOU i’m giving my opinion (it means THAT’S WHAT I’M DOING)

and then we end up in this cycle again…

this is good, at least this something to build on

ok, i’ll work on it and be mindful of it

No NO… i do make a separation between fact and opinion, i’m not retarded, and i’m not taking it personally,
i understand what you are saying
but i’m also confirming i do make the separation.

No. ti’s more like
when people who know more point it out
and i ask WHY IS IT WRONG
they don’t answer hehe
that’s why i’m not learning from it

now… YOU ARE ANSWERING … right ?
that’s why we are getting somewhere

ok. fair enough, i can respect that
but, my experience cannot be dismissed either
it has to count for something

i mean, i didn’t call McDonalds
I called ASIC
so it has to count for something

and maybe experiences in different countries vary.
but this was my experience

now… you have made this point crystal clear and i shall be mindful of it in the future
that’s fine.

ok, i’ll pay attention to it

ok, i’ll be mindful of it and pay attention to it
not a problem

thanks for the feedback

He said you’re not JUST giving your opinion, but you’re making it look like fact.

And he was right, Martin.

Surely you can see this?!


That Would Be Somebody With Weak Market Access A SMALL TIME BROKER …
Small Market Maker TYPE…

A True ECN Broker Just Takes The Spread and Commissions…

@anon81929759 Maybe they all work for the same shady firm… he he

yes i can see this
and i also said what I’M DOING
and i also said to him i’ll consider what he said
and i also said i’ll pay attention to it in the future

Who knows mate

all i know thus far is
Me and @LaughingCharlie have come to sort of (what i would consider) a reasonable understanding. which is good.

now hopefully things can get back to normal
as for clint

i’ll avoid clint if possible unless clint chooses to not be rude.
if he chooses to not be rude, i’ll speak to him
if he doesn’t , i won’t

I’m only interested in people who want to be reasonable and work things out.
Argument is non productive

but hey mate, you might be right
i like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but who knows… you may be correct

either way, if i don’t speak to him from here on in and he doesn’t speak to me, it’s of no consequence anyway

be cool mate

ECN - Electronic Communication Network.

Do you call your broker on the phone to place a speculative bet, or perhaps send them a fax? No you don’t, you use an online platform, an ECN platform.

ECN again is a misunderstood term for the retail market who are on the whole naive.

The term which you were searching for was DMA - Direct Market Access.

What @Clint has described above is correct for 99% of all retail brokers, it’s certainly not limited to scammy brokers or small time brokers; nor should you turn your nose up at the process either.