"Quotes" worth quoting

While watching a movie today, heard a line that I had to share.

“Hey, you can rob me, you can starve me and you can beat me and you can kill me. Just don’t bore me.” - Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Highway, U.S.M.C., [I]Heartbreak Ridge[/I]

Edit: Later on in the movie, heard another one I thought worthy of sharing.

“With all due respect, Sir, you’re beginning to bore the hell out of me.” - Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Highway, U.S.M.C., [I]Heartbreak Ridge[/I]

“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” - St. Thomas Aquinas

While I do not know if anyone else has decided to use this as a post, so I am not intentionally stealing it from anyone. If I am, sorry. If no one else has actually said it, I am sure they have thought a variation of it. It is an intentional misquote (but more appropriate to trading) of a famous saying.

Got another one, again a misquote of another possibly well known saying.


“Every morning in Africa a gazelle wakes up.
It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion, or it will be killed.

"Every morning in Africa a lion wakes up.
It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve to death.

"It doesn’t matter whether you are the lion or the gazelle.
When the sun comes up, you’d better start running.”

African proverb

from the fly-leaf of Michael Covel’s book,
[I]The Complete Turtle Trader[/I] (Harper Collins, 2007).


“I am not broke. I have had several periods in the last several years where I was very, very low on cash, but that’s not the same thing as being broke. Even if I had been broke, I’m not sure it matters as I’m selling software, not advice on how not to ever go broke.”

Curtis Faith, 2007

“I am out of money. None at all. Well, $27 in my pocket. No more anywhere. My wife doesn’t work. I’ve spent every last dime working on trying to figure out a way to make a difference and now I’m left with $27. That’s a twenty and seven ones, two of them are pretty rough. A twenty and seven ones. And that is all it will take to change the world. What did Jesus say about the mustard grain. Hell, I’m Curtis Michael Faith, if I don’t have Faith who does?”

Curtis Faith, 2012

Curtis Faith is a tragic figure, in many respects. He was accepted into Richard Dennis’ 1983 Turtle Trading experiment, where his raw trading skills were honed, and where he became a millionaire.

Then, after leaving the Dennis group, with wealth, with a proven ability to make money, and with formidable writing skills, somehow he managed to piss it all away. Faith ran afoul of the SEC and the CFTC, had his investment company permanently banned from the securities industry, wound up penniless and nearly bankrupt on more than one occasion, and ultimately went to jail for theft and burglary.

But, long before all of that, Curtis Faith wrote The Original Turtle Trading Rules, self-published by originalturtles.org in 2003, an insider’s account of the famous Turtle Trading experiment he participated in, and a point-by-point explanation of the rules laid out by Richard Dennis for his trainees to follow.

In the Foreword, Faith has some scathing comments about Michael Covel (identified only as the guy who runs TurtleTrader.com), and Russell Sands (identified only as “former Turtle”).

This short, 37-page, e-book is well worth your time to read. It is superbly well written, because Curtis Faith was, and is, a superb writer — which makes his fall from grace all the more poignant.

Very true! No need for any elaboration if you have faith. One word is enough for those who believe.

I also like this: The most dangerous enemy is an ally idiot.

This one is really good. Will keep in mind.

Here’s my favourite:
the hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax.

“We think it’s an insult to our intelligence to comply with a regulation.
We want to decide whether a particular law applies to our specific case.
In that place. At that time.”

Italian journalist Beppe Severgnini, in [I]La Bella Figura: A Field Guide to the Italian Mind,[/I]
describing the Italian attitude toward rules, laws and regulations.


HA LOL!!! I like to think of them as guidelines rather regulations


“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms
disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.
Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants;
they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides,
for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

Thomas Jefferson


[I]When you’re curious, you find lots of interesting things to do. [/I] - Walt Disney

“When small men begin to cast long shadows,
it means that the sun is about to set.”

Lin Yu-tang
Chinese writer, linguist and educator


“Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing until you get there.” - Josh Billings

Yogi Berra, famous for his accomplishments as a baseball player, and for his witty sayings, died yesterday at age 90.

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it."
Yogi Berra

May that fork in the road take you to a better world, Yogi.


“The distribution of wealth is too important an issue
to be left to economists, sociologists, historians and philosophers.”

Thomas Piketty, [I]Capital in the Twenty-First Century[/I]

Well, then, who should be in charge of the “distribution of wealth”?

In my opinion, the distribution of wealth should be left [I][B]in the hands of those who create wealth.[/B][/I]

But, that’s not what Piketty meant. He meant that the distribution of wealth should be left in the hands of socialist politicians.


[I]For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love[/I]. - Carl Sagan

Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right. - Henry Ford.

My favourite quote.