Range market avoidance method

[quote=“alphahavoc, post:20, topic:158434”]
I will die crying if i can’t become the best trader in world. [/quote]

Why set your sights so high, so soon? And maybe you could try to first define in concrete terms: What criteria define who is the “best” trader.

Is it just about who makes the most money? Over what period? Their entire career? One year? One month? Or is it about achieving one’s life goals through trading? If so, what are those goals? Or is it about something entirely different?

Maybe being the “best” trader is all about just being the best in your own eyes, succeeding in what you set as your personal goals - in total, not just in money………

No, never! I accepted a very long time ago that the nature of trading, i.e. probabilities, incorporates losses as an intrinsic element of success: in trading there is no gain without risk - and there is no risk without losses.

The essence of success lies in risk/money control and that requires a consistently systematic approach. If one trades outside of one’s strategy, well, then there may be good cause to kick oneself back into line! :slight_smile:

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