Reading (understanding) - IFR FOREX WATCH Signals


I have access to the IFR FOREX WATCH service, but as a newbie I have no clue, how to read all the stuff (see attachment).

Do you know any source explaining all that stuff? What would you do with this information?

e.g. what is the meaning of:

  1. Sell A Failure
  2. Sell A Break
  3. Take Profit, Sell Break
  4. Cover On A Bounce

This picture is a example of today

Thanks for any explanation.

Ah, One Picture! Good. I get this but in a little different format and without the 1-4 coaching, above.
But, I trade on it and it works pretty well. I some times adjust the stops or profit, but that also gets
changed in the watch report.

In your picture, on the upper right is the main info to trade. Right now, the position is FLAT. But, you see the beginning of the text is a SELL on price. I set my limit order there for FLAT positions. It may change.

The other items are support and resistance levels, they may be daily or weekly piviot point calculations. I have not checked. IAC, these are not active advice. Nor are they directional specific. But, if you are in a trade approching these levels, then the advice is active.

Fails the support line - Sell/Buy advice
Breaks resistance - S/B advice
Take your profit here, but reverse (S/B) on a break of resistance
If price bounces off support or resistance at this level, cover losses FLAT the trade

But, when you get there, that advice will be obvious. It’s specific to the Price and the direction of the Trade.


OP’s message was over two years ago. Are you marketing for them, or just bumping your post count?

I don’t have a post count and you are being rude. New to forums, are you? Did you anwer the question? No, I did. Now a good question has an answer of some kind, regardless of the time lag, or marginal personalities.

It’s there for the next guy, and so therefore productive. Which you are not, obviously, stooping to insults.

I don’t think that anyone telling others to ‘go suck a rock’ has any place commenting on others’ perceived rudeness.

I’m not new to fora, no, however you might be - one of the killers of keeping a forum current and helpful is newer members dredging up old posts from the archives and bumping useful, current posts off the front page before all interested parties have had a chance to read them. If the question you answered were of current interest, someone could post it.

So regardless of the navel-gazing question of whether answers to good questions have a shelf life, in the context of a discussion forum it is very unhelpful to do what you did.

Then to close with rudeness - and I don’t know what that drivel about ‘marginal personalities’ was meant to be - simply added to it.

Marginal personalites set themselves up as forum kings. They troll for a fight. This is the wildest example. Try to answer a question in a newbe section, myself being a newbe, I get this. Totally uncalled for. If this was in person it would be differnt and you know it.

So, trolls and marginals like yourself want the fight. You are being so rude as to drive a newbe from the forum.
So, yes, Troll. You, I mean you. I fight back. But, now I’m done.


IFR Markets is one of the live FX news feeds that Oanda offers for free to their customers with live trading accounts. It also can be confusing to understand the short brief almost code like info flashes, so IMO valid question and valid answer.

With all due respect, I understand and appreciate your efforts to keep BP clean of scammers but perhaps you should wait until they show their colors and intentions before jumping them. :57:

It’s partly the recent rash of marketing but also the digging up of threads that are a quarter of a decade old - but I take your point. I have to say, though, being invited to suck a rock took the edge off any guilt I might have felt at having picked on the new guy lol. But I appreciate your point and your tone.

You are being rude and I responded. Now you troll the response only. Typical. Where was your tone, boy, when I simply aswered a question? And you may not realize these folks have spent millions putting together this website. And you reward new folks with bs, and rock sucking.

So, it is good there are real people around. You are being foolish. I didn’t dig up anything. It turned up on google. You decided to enforce a made up rule. Forum King. The question is on Google, just like the owners of this web property desire.

Thanks d-pip, the entire forum world is being taken over by Trolls. Alas. They don’t appreciate the free gift of web fellowship. What kind of ruler head would think answering a question, is a reason to be this rude?

I see this so much, and forum moderaters are being more alert, however. Thanks again.


I hope you stick around and give the place a second crack, once in a while there’s some good information being shared around here. But bring a shovel, sometime you need to dig through a lot of crap to find it! :44:

ST you have stirred up a hornet’s nest here, you must have some kind of
tracking device attached to you.

It does seem strange though that a person who joins in June takes
until the middle of July to make their 1st post, then gives advice to somebody
who has hit the tracks years ago. :lol:

Lol yes, I thought the whole thing a little strange, not sure that I quite merited being called ‘boy’ etc., perhaps I struck a nerve! Fortunately I was never much bothered by hornets, it goes with the territory of sticking to principle. To me it’s not personal, it’s strictly business…

it’s strictly business… holy sh*t please explain that.

As far as I’m concerned, you were off base with your first and second post to “almo1010” and should watch your quick words and temper.

If the first time I posted on babypips you responded the way you did I would have said something like suck rocks too.

PS I signed up as a babypips member 6 –7 weeks before I made my first post. Posting isn’t the only reason to register with bp.

Well, I find this a very valuable resource. I really appreciate the entire site and ate up the Schooling. :slight_smile: Got a lot out of Cowabunga, etc.

Not a lot around, about the IFR Market Watch, that I can find. That picture, though a bit old, is different slightly from what I see. That’s what I was digging for. A bit more depth. Any ideas?

strange fantasy world…now with principles.

Are you bumping your post or just Marketing?

And what’s with this keeping score on posts? And how long it took me to find something that you could have answered? What has that got to do with it? Advice? Gutless Fantasy fighting. I could be Warren Buffet, for all you know.

Petty little forum trolls making fun of a new person, trying to help. Trying to learn. And you have not seen a hornets nest, at this point. But, I have seen here, very boyish, anti-social behavior. If this was toe to toe, it would be different and you know it. You don’t know me.

But, on the forums we suffer the fools and the marginal types to have community. 99% of people don’t think it’s fun to be-little folks they don’t know.

I know you are trying to be fair. Frankly, what you see are sharp words, straight to the point. Not anger from me. I just have to take exception to a phemomon that most will say there is nothing that can be done. Host a free site and offer the new guys to bring a shovel.:slight_smile: It’s business, for babypips. It’s part of anarchy, anti-globalization. They may not even realize the Lord of the Flies aspect.

It is not just here. So, I think some straight talk about it is something that can be done. Shine some light on the behavior that is not tolerated in face to face discussion.

No, nothing on babypips about IFR. Sometime I take a quick look at the [B]“Thomson Reuters – IFRMarket”[/B] :wink: feed just to see what they’re posting. I guess you could use it to make or confirm trading decisions. Right now I’m in an AUD/USD trade and have to admit their numbers and levels on that pair look good.

Sorry you had a crap time with ST, I think he still believes he did the right thing, anyway welcome!

It’s just a quote from The Godfather, as it was all getting a bit tense I wanted to lower the tone. I meant that I was not being personally unpleasant, I was simply making a point that I stand by, and one that has been made many times before - not by me!- in similar terms without getting such a harsh reaction from the OP (and, now, another member). I don’t know why I got such a harsh reaction from you or from OP.

It is unhelpful to dig up posts that are so old and bump new posts off the front page, as when it happens a lot of people take it for a post count thing rather than a fresh question, so in effect we get a productive thread dropped for a thread that is unlikely to be as productive. If OP wanted to ask that question the. S/he could simply have asked it anew, it would have been clearly current and relevant and would likely have attracted more answers.

I am not one given to jumping on new members, my history here has shown that. Indeed, I am often one to try to answer new people’s questions helpfully.

OP made it personal by telling me to ‘go suck a rock’ - s/he has since edited that part of their post out, which is interesting in itself, but this visible in my response, which quotes it. The. In a subsequent post I was referred to as ‘boy’, which is personal, derogatory, offensive in context and rude. ‘suck rocks’ and ‘boy’ are far ruder than anything I put.

Obviously it is fine for people to disagree with me on content - its a discussion forum, that’s when it gets helpful, as we can as a community form conclusions.

I don’t agree with your assertions that I was of base or guilty of having a bad temper in my original post - the subsequent abuse from OP did then tickle my temper - but as you told me what you thought with resorting to name calling and belittling you and I are discussing rather than falling out. It’s how things are supposed to work.

I stand by the intent of my first post, and in the context of many posts that have gone on BP in the same context previously I do not consider it rude. Blunt, yes, but not rude.

OP started the abusive tone of this.

I am surprised, on reading I through, that I am copping flak from you over this.

I hope that that explains that.

As I say, I am surprised that I am getting grief for being rude and OP is being treated as an innocent victim when I read back what was said by both sides. Really surprised.

PS. I never said that posting was the only reason to register with BP, so I don’t really get that part. Some people post random threads to raise their count to get to use PM, links etc, hence my asking if it was post count-raising, OP said that they were interested in the question, that’s it.

Unless threads are locked or removed from the archives by the moderators or admin then they are open to access by all members & just as potentially productive as fresh ones.
It’s none of your business whether a new or long standing member decides to resurrect an archived thread & continue the discussion.

If it’s deemed anything other than relevant or pertinent then a moderator will step in & chop it off at the knees. That’s what they’re here for.

As for bumping new, apparently productive threads off the front page? that’s definitely a matter of opinion. On a typical day here you can count the productive threads/posts on a couple fingers of one hand, so I doubt anyone needs worry too much about having to scroll through a couple pages to search for productive posts.

Almo isn’t the op though. He’s a contributor.
If more people actually took his lead & conducted a proper search of the archives, utilising the threads already in existence relating to the specific subject matter, this place wouldn’t be clogged up with multiple content information.