Real Traders, Real Money

Presentation? Like I said before, I asked nicely.

  1. You’re supposed to have me ignored. I refer you to my prior post if you need to figure out again how to do it.

  2. I wouldn’t categorize you as asking nicely. And neither would the majority of those that opted to reply.

  3. My reason as to why I didn’t. Your post implies a lot about you. Pardon me if I cross the line, but it was my initial assumption that you’re a losing trader frustrated with your game. You hop from one forum to the next, one strategy to the next in hopes things would turn around for you. Instead of learning to trade on your own, you opt to ride the coattails of another.

Of course you got fed up with your searches and figured that you’d first want to find out who’s actually trading real money and then how they do it. Of course, no regards to the fact if they are truly profitable or not.

Of course you’ll naturally deny my assumptions and probably even retort with something along the lines that I’m furthest from the truth or whatever you can come up with as both a defense as well as a passive attack combined.

But regardless of the response, it’s not likely to sway my opinion. You probably don’t want to hear that and will even probably tell me you don’t care what I think. Which is more than fair.

Feel free to ignore me at any point now.

well I hope you are not emplying i got tro banned. lol i almost left this place for good over that and personally i like Avery alot and we have a very good relationship as for anybody else I cannot say.

No not you… we all know who started that battle. ______ posted smack in TRO’s thread and called him names. TRO defended himself and got banned. Though the admins claim it was TRO’s fault. That’s a bunch of you know what. Banning someone because their charts are too big? That’s just foolish. They closed the thread about the banning because they don’t want people to know the truth. They unbanned ______ after a few days. Why? ______ started it, called TRO names, insulted him, etc… But TRO is the one banned. Oh yeah, I think they said TRO posted links. It’s the fricken’ internet. It’s all about freely sharing information. So you ban someone for posting informative links. They claimed TRO abused the signature. TRO just did what others were doing. So they removed the signatures. TRO pretty much stuck to his own threads until YOU KNOW WHO came over and started harassing TRO. And the admins here didn’t like TRO posting about what they did to him on other forums. Well, if you didn’t ban him, he could post about it here. Now babypips may have a programming section. Well, TRO is one of the most prolific programmers in trading and he won’t be able to share his work here. Thanks alot. And traders are doubling their account thanks to TRO. But you leave him banned and remove the ban on _______. Thanks forum admins.

People don’t see the real picture I guess. Either way, it’s a dead topic. Is Duffer trying to ask his original question? Or is he looking to defend TRO? Anyways, this is turning into a nasty show and is unnecessary. I’ve already given him a warning and he still disrespects admins and members. Banned and thread closed.