Regulated US Broker suggestion

If, and when, your net worth grows to the point that you qualify as an Eligible Contract Participant,
you will be able to trade with virtually any broker in the world, without contending with the foolishness we currently face as retail traders, at the hands of the CFTC.

At present, there are only two forex brokers in the U.S. available to retail traders – they are
Gain Capital (forex .com) and Oanda, as mentioned previously in this thread.

And, at present, there are very few offshore forex brokers who have the political and legal cover, and the courage, to welcome U.S. retail traders, in the face of the CFTC’s worldwide efforts to restrict, and ultimately destroy, off-exchange retail forex trading. In our Offshore Broker Thread, we have identified 13 such brokers, and we host a lively debate on their merits, as well as their faults.

That’s a pathetic total of 15 brokers from which U.S. retail traders can choose, out of a worldwide list of more than a thousand retail forex brokers. To see a sampling of the huge list of brokers available to traders elsewhere in the world, check out the Alphabetical List of Brokers in posts #3, #4, and #5 in the Offshore Broker Thread.

Some of the most highly-respected brokers in the world, in countries such as Switzerland, the U.K., and Australia, are not available to U.S. retail forex traders, because the Nanny State has bestowed on the CFTC the dictatorial power to harass and prosecute any offshore broker who dares to deal with U.S. retail traders.

America, Land of the Free? – Not in the retail forex market.

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