Repetitive but important question, is learning forex just wasting time ? please help

hello guys(sorry for bad english) , I just wanted to open my live account on a broker and did a bit of searching around the internet youtube videos and so on . WHY there is so much negativity about forex. everywhere I go everything I see is about 95% of traders lose money in the long run. If that is true why there is so much education about forex and trading . and why there is so much people actually investing time and learning these skills if those numbers are real ?
I mean just look at this topic I read yesterday :

Nowadays, traders talk about regulation all the time. A brokerage company is regulated when it is registered with a governmental organization that monitors the brokerage companies activities. Usually there are also something like insurance that covers the traders capital if the registered broker gets bankrupt.

When traders find out that a brokerage company is regulated with a well-known and powerful organizations/authorities, they think that they are safe and they can not be cheated anymore, but this is not true. I have seen some highly regulated brokers that cheat their clients the most. How?

  1. There are always some special cheating ways, that can not be tracked by the regulatory authorities.
  2. Brokers can easily bribe the regulatory authorities and ask them to be kinder to them and close their eyes on some events.
  3. Many of the people who work in the regulatory authorities are the brokerage companies owners, and so they know how to bypass the rules
    this was in a website about 6 ways that brokers cheat you. is that real ? brokers just want to scam all you capital because they know you will blow your account in long run ? I though the money from a losing trade would go in banking systems not brokers pockets ! and I though that brokers only gain profit from commissions and spreads!!!
    I mean I was quite successful with my demo account . I went ALL IN for learing forex for the past few months even I abandoned my university for a while ( because online classes sucks lol ) . Trading everything and learning these skills is a big goal for my life and its just depressing that all I learned is for nothing … Should I just ignore what people say on the internet ? I mean I was not going to start my account with a big capital anyway. ( I wanted to open my account on hotforex)

Actually 99 percent of the traders are crushed when they just enter the markets because they are not prepared for the losses. This is a game of patience and we cannot substitute learning for in place of the profits.

Its true that at any one time, about 80% of forex accounts are smaller than when they started. But that doesn’t mean you have an 80% chance of losing, it means you have a 1000% chance of losing money if you do exactly what the 80% idiots are doing.

The first step in managing your risk is to open a demo account. Then google up a simple strategy and demo trade it until you either make money consistently or you understand why it isn’t working so well for you and what sort of better strategy you now need to test.

Been successful at anything in life even with certain abilities and potential s, require s experience /practice

Saying that 95% of traders lose money is not being negative, its being realistic of how things
really are.
95% is not 100%, it means that there are people that make money from trading, they are just very few of them, dont know if the 95% is a true number, but im prety sure the real number wont be to far from those 95%.
As for brokers, regulation does help to protect the traders, it doesnt mean eveything will be perfect, but it gives traders an authoritie to witch they can make a complain in case that they have a dispute with the broker.
And if the authorities find that the broker has being doing something bad they might remove their license.
A lot of people will have excuses for everything, and guess who gets the blame, the broker.
Brokers are not stupid you know, they know very well the numbers, they know that most of their clients will lose money, so why would they try to scam the customers for their money when they know that they will give the money to them anyway, they just have to wait, let them lose their money.
And for last, get your ass back to that computer screen to atend those online classes from university, dont be the idiot who thinks he will be the next great trader so he doesnt have to study anymore, that university will give you more money than trading.