With the switch to our new forums platform, Discourse, we have introduce Trust Levels. Based on your activity in the Forums, you progress through Trust Levels to gain access to new features. Regarding “reputation”, it’s difficult to put that into a single number. In the past, we displayed post count on every single post made by a member, but the new system isn’t as reliant on just post count when it comes to reputation.
What you’ll be interested in are a members Trust Level (New User, Basic, Member, Regular, Leader) and then the various stats found on a member’s Summary Page.
To view a member’s Summary page, from a post, do the following:
Click on the member’s avatar.
Once the user’s User Card appears (which displays Trust Level, badges earned, join date, and other info), click on the member’s avatar a second time. This brings you to the member’s public profile that includes information about the member’s activity and contribution.
Click on Summary. Much of I what I think you’re looking for is in this section.
We are currently looking at ways to display some of this information either in the post section or the User Card area, as many in the community are used to seeing that information front-and-center, and find it valuable when considering the merits of who created a topic/thread or replied. Thanks!
Other Features Explained
Trust Levels
New User Tips and Tricks
How can I see threads I have contributed to?
Where did my favorite Blog authors go?