Respecting others on these forums means respecting others in real life

Twitter is the work of the devil. Facebook is the work of an idiot. Drop all this stuff and save a whole heck of a lot of time this year.


Speaking of real trading, Willedo said he is down 40% and asked for help.

Willedo, Iā€™m sure your trade/risk management is out of whack. Maybe not by much as it took you a long time to lose the 40%. So if it were me I would reduce my lot size to .01 or smaller and when trading stop when you have 2-3 losses in a row. Then go back to the school of Pipsology.

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thatā€™s how majority of America is lol you donā€™t agree with what they believe, then they want to get mad, like come on lol! everyone is allowed to have their own opinion, if someone else doesnā€™t agree with you then who cares

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Hello everyone,

I did not mean to start some sort of argument over a former BabyPips member, hence why I did not

mention him at all: it was a reflection on something and a wish for civility on and off this site, among

current and former users.

I appreciate also that we can all make errors of judgment, and that people should be given at least

a second chance to make amends; also, what one person deems offensive may not be deemed thus

by another; finally, one member may be considered a ā€˜trustworthy/niceā€™ person for ages, then make

some derogatory or off-the-cuff remarks and newer users may not know all the good that he/she may

have done prior to his/her latest comments/actions.

Moral of the story: I am old enough to look after myself and to know how to avoid negative people,

so this was not a post (as some may have interpreted it) to get sympathy because I had been emotionally

scarred, rather, I wanted to share a personal reflection on something that undoubtedly is a fact of life

affecting most of us from time to time, simply put, coming across a person whose behaviour we find

completely objectionable.

Of course I appreciate the messages of support hugely, and they give me renewed hope in humanity,

but I should make it clear that my own self worth does not depend on being liked by a former/banned

member of this community.


Peace and prosperity to you all!


Losing makes traders grumpy :rage: and when they get grumpy the natural instinct is to lash out. I guess itā€™s better to take out ones frustrations on anonymous strangers on the internet rather than on family and loved ones. However itā€™s ungracious and I know Iā€™ve been guilty of this. This year I resolve to be calmer yet remain unyielding to ignorance.


Well said, @clemmo!!

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@BaconSandwich Someone peeā€™d in my Wheaties that morning and I was being a little crass. I definitely could have gone about it a different way.

My apologies. I went ahead and deleted my posts to you

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No worries, you should see what I post when iā€™ve not had enough sleep - which is most of the time. Hence why itā€™s 1am UK time here right now.


Happy New Year, guys!
@PipMeHappy so sorry about your neagtive experience. Itā€™s never ok to be rude or abuse someone whether in a forum, Twitter or in person. This shows lack of intelligence, self-love and respect. People who think their opinion is always the right one and not accepting othersā€™ visions discust me. Donā€™t let this disturb you. It can hurt only him but not you. And by the way, why donā€™t you share who this person is so that we all can see who attacked you.
If he is so angry with you, then probably jealousy has taken over.


youā€™re referring to majority of the world LOL thereā€™s a lot of people that think they are always right, and donā€™t try to even view other perspectives. Itā€™s crazy. Just because you believe in something doesnā€™t mean everyone else has to. Itā€™s a pet peeve of mine also, on top of people thinking they know everything. Itā€™s not a bad thing to admit you need or want help in something

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Thanks @sebastiano and @justshell

The former member was Bob Bill Browneā€¦

Sad situationā€¦he continues with his

monologue on Twitter, full of insults to

whomever he dislikes on Babypips: I have not

seen a single ā€˜likeā€™ on his rants, so it is a

lonely conversation that he is having

with himself, seemingly.

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ā€œRespecting others on these forums means respecting others in real lifeā€

Other includes one self!


Hi @PipMeHappy,

Sorry to be so horribly out of date, itā€™s an appalling six months since you namedropped me in this thread. I pondered whether I ought to dredge it up at all, to be honest, but I thought it would be rude simply to ignore it.

But to be brief: Iā€™m very sorry that you went through this. Frankly, the guy you referenced has a handful of ā€˜followersā€™, was never at the rational end of the spectrum on here (being frank, I personally simply didnā€™t like him) so in your position Iā€™d be more worried if I found him agreeing with me. So donā€™t sweat it.

That said, itā€™s never a pleasant thing, something like that, and Iā€™m sorry that it happened to you. I am glad and honoured that you find other members of this community supportive and positive, I really am.

I wonā€™t ramble on at length as the topic has passed its shelf life, but thought I ought to pop in and offer a supportive ā€˜hiā€™. Hi.

(And have barely been on the site owing to extended building work at home - still trading, but have had to trim other things. Am still around, though, and coming out the other side.)


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Well this is an interesting thread thatā€™s been resurrected.

Hey @PipMeHappy:

You want me to track this dude down and sort him out??? Seems Iā€™m on quite a roll of late!!! LOL!!!




Hey, Simon!

Good to hear from you!

I hope you have finished your home improvements! Great time to do this, summer!

Bob(BillBrown) disappeared even from Twitter, so I am not sure if he had enough of

ranting in his echo chamberā€¦ Perhaps that is a good thing, as long as he is not

just moving on to other social media platforms to carry on doing the same thing.

I took little notice after that, but it was a strange experience!

Thanks for dropping by, and good to hear from you!

My little one is now three years old!

Time flies!