There’s always quite a bit of confusion,in forum conversations, between risk-to-reward and reward-to-risk.
The “industry standard term”, for what it’s worth (if anything) is “risk-to-reward” so having the reward twice the size of the risk is normally stated as “1:2”.
My own belief is that almost no retail CFD traders are steadily profitable with net reward greater than net risk. In forums, of course, everyone’s profitable, and they’re all trading with something like 1:2 (reward twice the size of risk) but out there in the real world, I think it’s actually very, very different.
I generally use 1:1, sometimes even 0.75:1.
This little thread is well worth reading:-
And for anyone surprised, these posts may help or interest the minority of people willing to read them with an open mind and perhaps re-think the majority forum/Youtube/website/vendor view they’ve always accepted before …